Русская версия English version

Matrix formalization of power plant thermal scheme calculation

A.E. Barochkin, V.P. Zhukov, E.V. Barochkin, G.V. Leduhovsky

Vestnik IGEU, 2018 issue 6, pp. 66—72

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Abstract in English: 

Background. The known models based on the matrix formalization methodology can be used for calculating practically all equipment of a heat power plant except turbine plants – the turbogenerator itself and the system of regenerative feedwater heating. By developing a mathematical model of a turbine plant within the same methodology, we will be able to create a self-contained mathematical description of the whole thermal scheme of heat power plants. This, in turn, will enable us to more reasonably determine the equipment energy characteristics, to create computer simulators and software tools to optimize the modes of technological systems and subsystems of heat power plants.

Materials and methods. Multiflow heat and mass exchange systems and subsystems of heat power plants are studied by the equations of mass and energy balances, solved by mathematical programming methods. The energy characteristics and quality indicators of heat power plant units are determined in terms of the existing normative approach.

Results. Using the matrix formalization methodology, we have developed a turbine plant model and a unified approach to the description of heat power plants as a multi-flow energy and mass exchange system. We have also obtained and analyzed the model solutions for the purpose of developing the power characteristics of the thermal turbine unit, compared the calculation results with the energy characteristics of an operating turbine unit, and thus confirmed the reliability and validity of the proposed approach.

Conclusions. The obtained results can be used as the basis for increasing the degree of validity of calculating equipment energy characteristics, creating computer simulators and software tools for optimizing modes of technological systems and subsystems of heat power plants.

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Key words in Russian: 
матричная формализация, электрическая станция, баланс энергии, баланс массы, энергетические характеристики, многопоточные системы, энергомассообмен
Key words in English: 
matrix formalization, electric power plant, energy balance, mass balance, energy characteristics, multiflow systems, energy and mass exchange
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