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Development of the design and design technique for high-frequency transformers with an amorphous alloy core

A.I. Tikhonov, A.V. Stulov, I.V. Eremin, A.V. Plaksin

Vestnik IGEU, 2018 issue 6, pp. 57—65

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Abstract in English: 
Background. Eco-friendly vehicles with an electric drive are becoming more and more popular. The wide spread of electric transport is hampered by the development of the corresponding infrastructure – charging stations. To increase the speed and reduce the overall dimensions of the charging stations, it is proposed to use high-frequency conversion systems based on a high-frequency power transformer (HFPT) with an amorphous steel core (ASC). Analysis of the problem of HFPT design shows that the calculation methods described in relevant technical literature cannot accurately calculate idling losses, especially for tranformers with an ASC, and losses in the tank or the casing of a power transformer at high frequencies. All this has urged us to develop a standard design of HFPTs with an ASC, as well as methods of their design and software tools that small- and medium-sized enterprises producing transformers can afford to purchase.
Materials and methods. In this study, we have employed the traditional power transformer design technique adapted to high-frequency designs by using improved methods of calculating idling losses and losses in the HFPT tank or casing. Optimization of the project has been carried out using genetic algorithms in the MATLAB software package. The calculation employing the improved method has been made based on the finite element model of magnetic field using the EMLib library. The design system of HFPTs is based on the MS Excel package.
Results. A standard HFPT design for converter installations of electric vehicle charging stations has been developed. Amorphous steel supplied in the form of ready-made standard twisted elements of the transformer core has been used as the magnetic core material. The procedure of HFPT design has been adjusted to the features of processes occurring at high frequencies. In particular, we have developed a method for calculating idling losses (based on field calculations, among other things), and losses in the transformer tank.
Conclusions. The developed standard design of the HFPT is technologically simple, does not require any fundamental changes in the existing technological process and can be recommended for small- and medium-sized transformer-manufacturing enterprises. The developed method and design tools can ensure the effectiveness of design work organization, in particular, because they allow optimizing the project. It is planned to implement the work results at OOO «Transformer» (Podolsk, Moscow region).
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Key words in Russian: 
высокочастотный трансформатор, аморфные сплавы, САПР трансформаторов, зарядные станции
Key words in English: 
high-frequency transformer, amorphous alloys, CAD of transformers, charging stations
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