Русская версия English version

Experimental confirmation of the localization of variable hydraulic regimes in thermal points with a thermo-hydraulic distributor

V.V. Smirnov, Y.V. Yavorovsky, V.V. Sennikov

Vestnik IGEU, 2018 issue 6, pp. 5—14

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Abstract in English: 

Background. Installation of heat flow regulators on individual consumers’ premises leads to additional costs associated with providing variable thermal-hydraulic regimes and does not reduce the heat supply at the source. Full automation of heat points reduces the quality of the heating network regulation. This problem is of current practical importance. Automation of  consumer connections can actually save fuel if hydraulically stable control schemes are implemented, in which active regulation of the heat flow at the heating station does not change the water flow in the heating network. All this makes it necessary to experimentally confirm the possibility to localize variable hydraulic regimes in heat points by using a thermo-hydraulic distributor.

Materials and methods. For experimental confirmation of the results of theoretical studies, we have redesigned the thermal point of the centralized heat supply system by installing a thermo-hydraulic distributor. The experiment consists in confirming the hydraulic independence of the circuits of the consumer systems to the external heating network.

Results. For the first time, it has been experimentally confirmed that installing a thermo-hydraulic distributor does not lead to a violation of the quality regulation regime of the heating network, localizing the variable hydraulic regimes within the thermal point, where they arise, without transferring these regimes to the heating network. In contrast to the other known regulation methods, using a thermo-hydraulic distributor in the heat point circuit ensures normal heat supply to the heating system maintaining a constant maximum flow rate of the supply water during the entire heating period. The reliability of the results obtained earlier by mathematical modeling has been confirmed by experimental data.

Conclusions. The results of the experimental studies have confirmed the hydraulic independence of the circuits. The obtained results can be used for designing new and redesigning the existing heating substations of centralized heat supply systems in order to eliminate the effects of temperature regulation on the hydraulic regime of the heat supply system.

References in English: 

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Key words in Russian: 
гидравлически устойчивое регулирование, термогидравлический распределитель, тепловой пункт, гидравлический режим
Key words in English: 
hydraulically stable regulation, thermo-hydraulic distributor, heat point, hydraulic regime
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