Русская версия English version

Priority areas, key technologies and scenarios of energy storage systems’ development

L.V. Kalimullin, D.K. Levchenko, Yu.B. Smirnova, E.S. Tuzikova

Vestnik IGEU, 2019 issue 1, pp. 42—54

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Abstract in English: 

Background. The development of power generation from renewable energy sources, the increasing unevenness of the load schedule, and the imbalance in the location of generation facilities in the country are the key factors that make power storage an urgent need that could help avoid expenses on maintaining and constructing surplus capacity facilities.  Energy storage systems open up new opportunities for developing electrical power engineering and changing the modern architecture of the power and capacity market. Currently, a lot of countries are actively implementing a policy of forming national markets of energy storage systems and developing energy storage system production. The main driver for the growth of energy storage systems is the technological progress that reduces the cost of storage systems and improves their operational characteristics. All this makes it necessary to set priorities, choose technologies and scenarios of energy storage systems development, in view of the current prospects in this direction in Russia.

Materials and methods. The methods underlying the research were those of analysis and synthesis, comparative, expert and statistical data analysis represented in scientific works on the problems of developing power storage systems and in the materials of international analytical agencies and organizations.

Results. The paper considers technologies of energy storage, identifies the key features of energy storage systems and determines the main technologies that are most suitable for the Russian power industry. Special attention is paid to the most likely scenarios of the development of energy storage technologies in Russia. The paper also sets the priority goals for the state and power companies in terms of developing power storage technologies and projects.

Conclusions. The results of the study can be used in the state strategic documents on the development of the Russian energy system, as well as in the long-term forecasts of the technological development of the fuel and energy complex of our country. Conclusions based on the results of scenario modeling can serve as the basis for the formation of strategic documents and investment programs of energy companies in terms of including energy storage projects in innovative development programs.


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Key words in Russian: 
энергетические компании, конкурентоспособность, накопление энергии, гидроаккумулирование, водородная энергетика, ключевые тренды
Key words in English: 
energy companies, competitiveness, energy storage, pumped storage, hydrogen power, key trends
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