Русская версия English version

Methods of monitoring water conditions of the circulatory cooling system of a combined heat and power plant

V.V. Kozlovsky, A.B. Larin

Vestnik IGEU, 2019 issue 3, pp. 14—21

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Abstract in English: 

Background. A common method of preventing scale formation on the internal surfaces of the condenser and heat exchangers at thermal power plants with circulatory cooling systems (CCS) is correctional treatment with an addition of sulfuric acid for acidifying make-up water and reducing its alkalinity and the alkalinity of recycled water and dosing of oxyethylidenediphosphonic acid (OEDFK) for preventing scale deposit formation. The existing method of correction treatment does not provide the necessary degree of heat exchange equipment protection from scale formation. With this method of cleaning, it is impossible to completely remove deposits from the surface of the tubes to «pure» metal; the concentration of sulfates in the purge water often exceeds the permissible level. Improving the efficiency of water conditions requires developing a calculation method and creating a pilot plant for monitoring scale formation and corrosion through estimation of water chemistry directly in industrial conditions, which is the goal of this work.

Materials and methods. The circulating water corrosivity was studied on a stand that simulates the operation of circulatory cooling systems. The coil simulating water movement inside heat exchangers contained carbon steel and brass corrosion rate witness plates. A quantitative assessment of the biological contamination of the circulating water of the cooling system of the CCPP ПГУ-450 MW was carried out using total bacterial count (TBC) express tests.

Results. To estimate the probability of carbonate salt deposition in heat exchange equipment, we have proposed a method of calculating the existing values of the stabilization factor (calcium transport). The proposed method has been used to estimate the state of water chemistry of the circulatory cooling system of CHP PGU-450 MW. Calculations confirmed by the data of chemical analyzes of water and deposits have shown increased deposit mass values on the control samples (stabilization factor less than 85%), including biological ones (the total bacterial count exceeded the permissible value by over 104 CFU / ml). The circulating water corrosivity also increased, and the corrosion rate of steel st. 20 exceeded the standard values (0,1 mm / year).

Conclusions. The developed technique can be effectively used for analyzing the state of both the existing water conditions of circulatory cooling systems, and any other (alternative) water chemistry directly in industrial conditions of operation of a certain CCPP.

References in English: 

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Key words in Russian: 
система оборотного охлаждения, водно-химический режим, ингибиторы отложений и коррозии, коррекционная обработка, математическая модель
Key words in English: 
circulatory cooling system (СCS), water chemistry conditions, scale and corrosion inhibitors, correction treatment, mathematical model
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