Русская версия English version

Comparative analysis of the efficiency of the application оf thermal-hydraulic distributor with classical schemes оf connecting subscribers

V.V. Smirnov, Y.V. Yavorovsky, V.V. Sennikov, D.O. Romanov

Vestnik IGEU, 2019 issue 3, pp. 5—13

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Abstract in English: 

Background. Analysis of the use of a thermo-hydraulic distributor in district heating schemes showed insufficient study of the mutual influence of the connected circuits, on which the coefficient of hydraulic stability of the heating network depends, and the lack of a comparative analysis of the efficiency of heat supply when using a scheme with a thermo-hydraulic distributor compared to widely used subscriber connection schemes. The purpose of the study is to compare the economic and energy efficiency of the proposed and existing subscriber connection schemes, which is an important task.

Materials and methods. In laboratory conditions, a wide range of studies have been carried out to study the hydraulic dependence of the contours of the thermo-hydraulic distributor among themselves. Processing of the results was carried out by the method of correlation-regression analysis and mathematical statistics. In a comparative analysis of subscriber connection schemes, methods of physical modeling of thermo-hydraulic modes were used.

Results. A comparative analysis showed that the energy efficiency of the scheme with a thermo-hydraulic distributor is higher in heating systems with non-automated subscribers, regardless of the temperature graph of the heating network. When comparing schemes with parallel connection of a hot water heater, it was found that the totality of electricity consumption for coolant circulation and fuel costs for a circuit with a thermo-hydraulic distributor turned out to be less irrespective of the temperature schedule. Statistical research methods confirmed the independence of the circuits and the normal supply of heat to the heating. New solutions have been obtained to increase the hydraulic stability of the centralized heat supply system using a thermo-hydraulic distributor at a heating point – the hydraulic stability coefficient of the heat network during all subscriber operation modes is equal to one.

Conclusions. The results of the study can be used in the design of thermal points: the proposed heating system, the consumers of which will provide a stable hydraulic mode; existing heat supply system, the consumers of which must ensure the hydro-stable control of heat.



References in English: 

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Key words in Russian: 
эффективность системы теплоснабжения, гидравлически устойчивое регулирование, термогидравлический распределитель, гидравлический режим, тепловой пункт
Key words in English: 
efficiency of the heat supply system, hydraulically stable regulation, thermo-hydraulic distributor, hydraulic mode, heat point
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