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Development of the furnace design for solid waste utilization and evaluation of its operation efficiency

R.N. Gabitov, O.B. Kolibaba, A.I. Sokolsky, A.V. Grosheva

Vestnik IGEU, 2019 issue 5, pp. 23—30

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Abstract in English: 

Background. Practical implementation of the process of thermal utilization of waste, including municipal waste, and processing efficiency largely depend on the plant design and operation modes. In their works, P. Basu, Safin R.G., Shantarin V.D. and others propose designs of plants for processing carbon-containing waste. The main disadvantage of such plants is the use of only one waste type (wood, biomass or plastic). Such plants operate at low humidity of the raw material, which lowers the quality of the produced gas. All this makes it an urgent task to develop a new plant design for disposing of waste of various compositions in a wide humidity range and to evaluate its performance efficiency.

Materials and methods. To evaluate the efficiency of the furnace for thermal waste utilization, we used the material and heat balance method that allows determining the plant efficiency and selecting the operation mode with the maximum efficiency value.

Results. This paper proposes a design of a two-chamber thermal reactor for waste utilization based on the combined method of drying and oxidative pyrolysis. The plant design allows you to organize the process of oxidative pyrolysis of raw materials in the reactor and to separate the flow of pyrolysis gas to the consumer from that for their own needs. The paper describes the algorithm of material and thermal calculation for drying and pyrolysis zones. It also presents an analysis of the thermal reactor with a capacity of 500 kg/h in different modes of oxidative pyrolysis depending on the moisture content of the feedstock.

Conclusions. The developed plant design allows utilizing solid waste at its relative humidity from 4 to 50 % and reaching efficiency from 0,6 to 0,9 by changing the amount of oxygen fed inton the system from 1 to 10 %.

References in English: 
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Key words in Russian: 
термическая переработка, тепловой баланс, утилизация отходов, метод сушки, окислительный пиролиз, энергоэффективность
Key words in English: 
thermal processing, thermal balance, waste utilization, drying method, oxidative pyrolysis, energy efficiency
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