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A.V. Eremin, K.V. Gubareva

Vestnik IGEU, 2019 issue 6

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Abstract in English: 

Background: Non-stationary heat transmission within solid bodies is described using parabolic and hyperbolic equations. Currently, numerical methods for studying the processes of heat and mass transfer in the flows of liquids and gases have gained distribution. Modern programs allow the automatic construction of computational grids, solve systems of equations, and offer a wide range of tools for analysis. Approximate analytical solutions have significant advantages compared to numerical ones. In particular, the solutions obtained in an analytical form allow one to perform parametric analysis of the system under study, configure and program measurement devices, etc.

Materials and methods: Based on the joint use of the additional desired function and additional boundary conditions in the integral method of heat balance, a method for mathematical modeling of the heat transfer process in a plate under symmetric boundary conditions of the third kind is developed.

Results: Using the heat flux density as a new sought function, the problem of finding a solution to the partial differential equation with respect to the temperature function reduces to integrating an ordinary differential equation with respect to the heat flux density on the surface of the studied region. It is shown that isotherms appear on the surface of the plate, having a certain initial velocity, which depends on the heat transfer intensity.

Conclusions: The presented method can be used in determining the heat flux density of buildings and heating devices, finding heat losses during convective heat transfer, and designing heat transfer equipment. The results can be applied to increase the validity and reliability of the calculation of actual losses and balance of thermal energy. The calculation results are compared with the exact solution, the reliability, validity of the method and a high degree of approximation with an error of about 3% are shown. The accuracy of the solution depends on the number of approximations performed and is determined by the degree of the approximating polynomial.

References in English: 

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Key words in Russian: 
дополнительная искомая функция, дополнительные граничные условия, интеграл теплового баланса, изотермы, скорость перемещения изотерм.
Key words in English: 
approximate analytical solution, additional boundary conditions, the integral of heat balance, isotherms, isotherms movement velocity.
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