Русская версия English version

A method of evaluating the effects of building power supply selection decisions on the city energy balance

S.V. Kosyakov, S.A. Osipova, A.M. Sadykov

Vestnik IGEU, 2019 issue 5, pp. 67—76

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Abstract in English: 

Background. Development of energy-saving technologies offers good opportunities for selecting building energy supply methods through the use of alternative energy sources and power network types. Research in the field of energy saving is mainly focused on finding methods of energy saving by power consumers and individual power industry facilities. At the same time, collaboration of different energy networks as a unified power supply system of the city and a feasibility study of the energy load redistribution between different energy networks in the process of territorial development remains a poorly studied problem. The aim of the study is to develop a method that allows comparing the use of different power supply sources and types of individual buildings based on a single criterion of changing the total cost of transmission, conversion and consumption of energy in the city.

Materials and methods. The study employed methods of development and analysis of energy balances of a territory, methods for calculating gas, heat and electricity consumption of residential buildings, methods of power network losses calculation and methods of network and overlay analysis in GIS, materials of power providers’ and public utilities’ databases.

Results. A method has been proposed and implemented in the software package form for automating the calculation of the city’s housing sector energy balance for various placement options, power equipment deployment and connection of new or reconstructed buildings to the energy networks. The method is based on the use of an urban area energy balance spatial model in a GIS environment. The article presents an example of calculating the influence of different power supply options of one of the buildings in the city of Ivanovo on the energy balance of the city.

Conclusions. The obtained results demonstrate the possibility of a comparative analysis of the options of connecting buildings to various energy network types based on a single criterion of minimizing municipal energy costs. The developed method and its implementation can be used to create decision-making information systems for regional and city governments.

References in English: 

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Key words in Russian: 
ГИС, энергетический баланс, энергетические сети, пространственный анализ, поддержка принятия решений
Key words in English: 
GIS, energy balance, power networks, spatial analysis, decision support
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