Русская версия English version

Matrix modeling and condition diagnostics of high pressure regenerative heaters

V.P. Zhukov, G.V. Ledukhovsky, K.N. Bubnov, S.I. Shuvalov, M.A. Kuznetsov

Vestnik IGEU, 2024 issue 2, pp. 82—91

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Abstract in English: 

Background. Increasing the efficiency of heat exchangers is a promising area of energy saving, which is one of the priority areas of the development of science, engineering, and technology in the Russian Federation. Improvement of heat and mass transfer in regenerative heaters and condensers of turbine units of thermal power plants can significantly increase the operating efficiency of power equipment. Diagnostics of the condition and improvement of operating modes of the high-pressure regenerative heater which are an integral part of regenerative heating systems for feedwater of turbine units, are urgent scientific and practical tasks.

Materials and methods. To develop a model of a high-pressure regenerative heater, the methodology of matrix formalization of the description of heat and mass transfer processes has been used. To solve problems of diagnosing the state of heating surfaces of heat exchange equipment, mathematical programming methods have been applied.

Results. Within the framework of the matrix formalization methodology, an approach to modeling and solving diagnostic problems of multi-stage heat exchangers considering the phase transition in coolants has been developed. The sensitivity of the resulting model to input signals has been studied. Solutions of the problem of diagnosing the state of a high-pressure regenerative heater have been obtained and analyzed.

Conclusions. Analysis of the obtained calculated results has shown an adequate description using the model of the real heat exchange process for the analyzed heater and the possibility to use the proposed model for monitoring and operational diagnostics of power equipment. The proposed approach allows us to formulate and solve inverse problems of diagnosing the state of equipment of heat exchange installations for various purposes.

References in English: 

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Key words in Russian: 
регенеративный подогрев питательной воды, паровая турбина, методология матричной формализации, уравнение баланса энергий, многоступенчатые теплообменные аппараты
Key words in English: 
regenerative heating of feedwater, steam turbine, matrix formalization methodology, energy balance equation, multi-stage heat exchangers
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