Русская версия English version

Technical and economic indicators of energy complex when using wind power plants to cover in-house needs of CHPs

E.V. Zinovieva, G.V. Ledukhovskiy, S.I. Shuvalov

Vestnik IGEU, 2024 issue 5, pp. 14—20

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Abstract in English: 

Background. In accordance with the Russia Energy Strategy until 2035, within the framework of the implementation of energy-saving technologies in the power-generating sector, it is planned to use hybrid energy, which is one of the ways of transition from conventional generation to generation with a high share of renewable energy sources. However, to implement such complexes, it is necessary to conduct research that considers the natural and climatic characteristics of the region, its resource capabilities, as well as the mutual influence of conventional and renewable energy sources in the structure of generating equipment capacities.

Materials and methods. The wind potential at the construction site has been analyzed to assess the feasibility of incorporating wind turbines. Based on the technical characteristics of wind turbines and meteorological conditions, the model of wind turbines to be installed has been selected.

Results. Technical and economic indicators of the energy complex operation, providing for the use of wind power plants to partially cover the house load of CHPs have been obtained. The indicators are determined on an annual, monthly basis using the physical method of attributing the total fuel costs for heat and electricity output in case of their combined production.

Conclusions. Operation of wind power plants as a part of the energy complex with CHP in winter has a positive effect on the process of thermal efficiency of combined heat and power generation, and in summer, on the contrary, leads to deterioration of the efficiency indicators. Relatively small fuel savings per year when using wind power plants as a part of the energy complex with CHP does not allow to consider the project cost-effective. The obtained results should be considered when making system-wide decisions on the development of renewable energy sources in parallel operation with fossil fuel power plants.

References in English: 

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Key words in Russian: 
тепловая электрическая станция, ветроэнергетическая установка, гибридная станция, энергокомплекс, технико-экономические показатели, ветропотенциал
Key words in English: 
thermal power plant, wind power plant, hybrid plant, energy complex, technical and economic indicators, wind potential
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