Русская версия English version

Method of winch drive permanent magnet inverted motor design

M.V. Sakharov, V.N. Karaulov

Vestnik IGEU, 2019 issue 2, pp. 51—58

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Abstract in English: 

Background: Designing a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) of a winch drive needs to take into account the features of this machine. The engine has an inverted design with limited dimensions. The motor is powered by a frequency converter; runs at nominal power frequency and nominal load without using damping winding and frequency start; provides the required range of rope winding speeds. There is no specialized engineering design methodology for the PMSM drive winch. It is required to make changes and additions to the existing methods of designing synchronous machines when solving the problem of designing a winch drive PMSM.

Materials and methods: Design and validation calculations are performed in the Mathcad based on the technique of designing machines with permanent magnets of V.A. Balagurov and methods of designing common industrial synchronous machines with electromagnetic excitation. Field models of PMSM were used for research of electromechanical processes and thermal status.

Results: The Developed technique of designing a inverted permanent magnet motor of the drive winch is different from the known and provides due to this account the design features of PMSM in the calculation of the size of the machine, the magnets, the stator core, the choice of electromagnetic loads, the design of the stator winding, the choice of the cooling system and the steel grade of the stator core. The specific requirements of the technical specification are taken into account when calculating the number of poles and the frequency of the supply voltage.

Conclusions: The project converted PMSM drive winch is executed. The reliability of the results checked in the result field of modeling electromechanical processes and the thermal state of the PMSM. The results of design and verification calculations are presented. Solved the problem of lack of specialized engineering design techniques of PMSM drive winch. The technique can be used by electromechanical engineers in solving the problem of designing PMSM winch drive. The technique allows you to get the project PMSM, corresponding to the requirements of the technical specifications and features of operation.


References in English: 

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Key words in Russian: 
электропривод лебедочных механизмов, синхронный двигатель с постоянными магнитами, обращенная конструкция
Key words in English: 
electric winch drive, synchronous motor with permanent magnets, inverted design
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