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2019 issue 2

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Electrical power engineeringA.V. Gusenkov, V.D. Lebedev, S.N. Litvinov, S.A. Slovesny, A.A. YablokovExperimental determination of partial discharges in a model of a digital instrument transformer by differential methodAbstract
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Cite 2-19-str.32-42.pdf35
Heat power engineeringA.B. Biryukov, Yu.E. RubanMethod for determining blast furnace tuyere zone blackness degree on pulverized coal fuel injectionAbstract
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Cite 2-19-str.25-31.pdf27
Heat power engineeringE.E. Gotovkina, V.D. Lebedev, G.I. Parfenov, N.N. Smirnov, V.V. TyutikovA laboratory study of environment and voltage effects on the thermal state of resistive voltage dividerAbstract
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Cite 2-19-str.5-16.pdf20
Heat power engineeringG.A. Perevezentsev, V.A. Gorbunov, O.B. KolibabaEstimation of the dependence of aerodynamic resistance of the bulk tank on porosity and rate of filtrationAbstract
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Cite 2-19-str.16-24.pdf12
Mathematical modeling in power engineeringE.V. Kotova, A.V. Eremin, V.A. Kudinov, V.K. Tkachev, A.E. KuznetsovaMethod of additional unknown functions in heat conductivity problems with variable physical properties of the mediumAbstract
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Cite 2-19-str.59-70.pdf42
Mechatronics and electromechanicsA.I. Tikhonov, A.A. Karzhevin, A.V. Podobny, D.E. DryazgovDevelopment and study of a dynamic model of single-phase amorphous steel core transformerAbstract
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Cite 2-19-str.43-51.pdf20
Mechatronics and electromechanicsM.V. Sakharov, V.N. KaraulovMethod of winch drive permanent magnet inverted motor designAbstract
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Cite 2-19-str.51-58.pdf28