Русская версия English version

Development of a condition monitoring system for the refractory lining of induction crucible steelmaking furnaces

I.Yu. Dolgikh, M.G. Markov

Vestnik IGEU, 2019 issue 5, pp. 58—66

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Abstract in English: 

Background. A wide range of technological advantages of induction crucible melting furnaces makes their use in various sectors of metallurgical production relevant. However, hard operation conditions of the refractory lining of such furnaces makes it necessary to constantly monitor its condition, with the aim to extend the crucible life and prevent emergencies. Moreover, traditional methods based on the use of a bottom electrode and indication of current leakage to earth do not provide a continuous display of the lining destruction degree and make it possible to register only a critical level that requires an emergency shutdown and emptying of the furnace. This circumstance makes it necessary to develop and implement specialized electrical systems with a monitoring and control system that ensures the determination and visualization of the lining wear level and, if necessary, makes an emergency shutdown of the equipment from the power source.

Materials and methods. The developed complex is based on a microprocessor system that continuously measures the temperature at the control points at the boundary between the bottom and crucible base layers and compares the obtained values with the settings, which are determined previously on a two-dimensional axisymmetric model of the designed furnace by solving the stationary heat conduction equation at various levels of lining failure.

Results. We have developed the structure, scheme, and program for a microprocessor-based monitoring and emergency shutdown system of an induction furnace, as well as a mathematical model of the control object, which allows determining the temperature settings. The reliability of the results is confirmed by the applicability of the models to real objects, and is verified by debugging the microprocessor part in the MPLab-Sim and Proteus programs.

Conclusions. The obtained results can be used in the practical implementation of the monitoring system and emergency shutdown of induction melting furnaces, which allows increasing the safety of their operation and extending the lining life due to timely repair.


References in English: 

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Key words in Russian: 
индукционные тигельные печи, огнеупорная футеровка, система мониторинга и управления, термопара, микроконтроллер
Key words in English: 
induction crucible furnaces, refractory lining, monitoring and control system, thermocouple, microcontroller
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