Русская версия English version

Parametric model of synchronous reluctance motor with TLA-rotor in steady-state and transient modes

V.N. Karaulov, A.F. Dorzhinkevich

Vestnik IGEU, 2023 issue 4, pp. 46—53

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Abstract in English: 

Background. There is considerable practical and scientific interest in synchronous reaction motors (SynRM) with TLA rotor. The core of the TLA rotor has a transversal charge, internal slots, and highly saturated areas. The configuration of the rotor slots is complex and diverse. The task to develop a parametric model of the SynRM with a TLA-rotor designed for calculation of steady-state and transient modes of the motor is relevant.

Materials and methods. The classical parametric model of SynRM based on the theory of two reactions is used. The calculation method for the parameters of the SynRM model with TLA rotor is presented. The method uses the results of field calculation of two static states of the magnetic field. The steady-state conditions of SynRM are calculated according to the engineering formulas derived from the equation of equilibrium stresses in the stator phase. The Park-Gorev equations are used to calculate the transient modes of the SynRM.

Results. Field models of the SynRM under study at longitudinal and transverse rotor positions are presented. Main harmonics of magnetic field in the gap and their dependence on armature current are calculated. Formulas to calculate the inductive parameters of armature winding and performance characteristics of SynRM are given. Differential equations to calculate processes in SynRM are given. The parametric model is used to calculate performance characteristics of SynRM, frequency start process, electromechanical process of SynRM operation in case of asymmetric power supply. The calculation results are compared with the results of field simulation of SynRM with TLA rotor in the Ansys Maxwell environment.

Conclusions. The classical parametric model of the synchronous machine based on the theory of two reactions allows fast and high-quality analysis of steady-state and transient modes of operation of a synchronous reactive motor with TLA-rotor under various conditions of power supply and mechanical load, including abnormal ones.

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Key words in Russian: 
синхронный реактивный двигатель, рабочие характеристики синхронного реактивного двигателя, TLA-ротор, параметрическая модель, установившиеся режимы работы двигателя, переходные режимы работы двигателя
Key words in English: 
synchronous reluctance motor, operating characteristics of synchronous reluctance motor, TLA-rotor, parametric model, steady-state operating modes of the motor, transient operating modes of the motor
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