Русская версия English version

Development of controller for electromechanical position sensor

I.S. Polyuschenkov

Vestnik IGEU, 2023 issue 4, pp. 36—45

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Abstract in English: 

Background. Electromechanical position sensors, including sine-cosine rotary transformers, compared to sensors based on other physical principles, have greater reliability, a simple design and resistance to difficult operating conditions. This makes them attractive for use in various motion control systems that require measurement of the position of the actuator axis. However, the use of such sensors requires special hardware and software devices – controllers that ensure their operation. This article is devoted to the development of such a controller, which generates, captures, and processes signals of the sine-cosine rotary transformer.

Materials and methods. When developing the controller of the sine-cosine rotary transformer, methods of system analysis of electrical, electromagnetic and information processes and means of their implementation, methods of software development, as well as methods of experimental research were applied.

Results. A description of the controller of a sine-cosine rotary transformer in phase mode is given, taking into account the hardware and computing resources of the microcontroller which implements it. At the same time, physical processes are correlated with information processes associated with the generation, capture and procession of signals. The reasons for the decrease in the position measurement accuracy are revealed. Various technical solutions have been applied to take into account and eliminate them. Among them are the coordination of physical and information processes, taking into account the execution time of calculations by the microcontroller, analysis of the correctness of the position measurement results and their smoothing according to moving average method. The controller software has been developed, which can serve as a typical element for microprocessor-based control systems. Experimental results are obtained, illustrating the achievement of the development result.

Conclusions. Application of various technical solutions has made it possible to ensure the accuracy of position measurement up to a tenth of a degree with a high intensity of information updating. As a result of the study, a detailed and comprehensive solution of the developing a controller for a sine-cosine rotating transformer problem is given, which is the scientific and practical value of the materials presented in the article. The results obtained can be applied in various motion control systems and serve as the basis for the development of controllers for various electromechanical position sensors.

References in English: 

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Key words in Russian: 
электромеханический датчик положения, синусно-косинусный вращающийся трансформатор, микропроцессорные системы управления движением, микропроцессорная техника, вычислительный алгоритм
Key words in English: 
electromechanical position sensor, sine-cosine rotary transformer, microprocessor motion control system, microprocessor technology, computational algorithm
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