Русская версия English version

Algorithms of estimation of turbogenerator synchronous reactance and criteria of selecting proper synchrophasor measurement data sets

V.R. Rafikov, I.E. Ivanov, A.Yu. Murzin, D.M. Dubinin

Vestnik IGEU, 2023 issue 5, pp. 51—61

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Abstract in English: 

Background. To enhance power system dependability and efficiency, it is of great importance to obtain correct parameters of the models of key power system components such as a synchronous generator (SG). Technology of synchronized phasor measurements allows us to estimate the SG model parameters through measurements in power system steady states and transients states, without switching the SG off and conducting complex testing procedures.

Materials and methods. The theory of electric circuits and electric machines, theory of optimization and statistics, and matrix algebra are applied in this study. The developed parameter estimation method has been implemented in the MATLAB software. The method has been verified through real-world measurements captured by a phasor measurement unit installed at a large power plant in the United Power System.

Results. This paper presents an algorithm of the turbogenerator synchronous reactance estimation via a set of synchrophasor data taken under steady-state conditions. Also, the paper considers the criteria for an appropriate data array ensuring successful parameter estimation. An algorithm has been developed and implemented in MATLAB software package. To improve the parameter estimation accuracy, an algorithm has been proposed to modify a nominal value for the SG no-load excitation current depending on the heating of the field winding. The algorithm has been successfully tested out based on a set of steady state synchrophasor data captured for one of the turbogenerators in the Russian United Power System. The authors have developed and analyzed quantitative criteria to determine a set of measured parameters of steady-state modes, providing the most accurate results of the turbogenerator synchronous reactance.

Conclusions. The developed algorithm allows accurate update of the turbogenerator synchronous parameters through synchrophasor measurements recorded in a steady state modes of electric power systems. Using the criteria for selecting phasor data, it seems possible to automate the process of generating a data array of measurement of various steady-state modes necessary for identification. The proposed procedure that considers the field winding temperature can be employed in math models to estimate SG transient and subtransient parameters based on phasor measurements in transient modes of electric power systems.

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Key words in Russian: 
синхронный генератор, идентификация параметров турбогенератора, синхронизированные векторные измерения, установившийся режим электроэнергетической системы, синхронное сопротивление генератора
Key words in English: 
synchronous generator, turbogenerator parameter estimation, synchronized phasor measurements, steady state of electrical power system, synchronous reactance
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