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2023 issue 5

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Automated control systems in power engineeringA.B. Vinogradov, A.A. Korotkov, K.K. ErmakovDump truck control algorithms when wheels slipAbstract
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Cite 5-23-str.68-73.pdf105
Automated control systems in power engineeringN.E. Gnezdov, M.S. Kulenko, S.K. Lebedev, A.R. KolganovSoftware design training system and selection of microcontrollers for electric drive control Abstract
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Cite 5-23-str.74-82.pdf118
Electrical power engineeringS.G. Tiguntsev, K.V. ShafarevichDevelopment of measures to eliminate resonant phenomena at higher harmonic frequencies on power line of 35 kVAbstract
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Cite 5-23-str.40-50.pdf23
Electrical power engineeringV.R. Rafikov, I.E. Ivanov, A.Yu. Murzin, D.M. DubininAlgorithms of estimation of turbogenerator synchronous reactance and criteria of selecting proper synchrophasor measurement data setsAbstract
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Cite 5-23-str.51-61.pdf37
Heat power engineeringA.S. Zinovieva, G.V. Ledukhovsky, V.P. Zhukov, E.V. Barochkin, S.I. ShuvalovVector statement of simultaneous equations method of material and energy balances when calculating actual indicators of thermal efficiency of gas turbine plantsAbstract
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Cite 5-23-str.5-11.pdf25
Heat power engineeringG.I. Parfenov, N.N. Smirnov, A.K. Sokolov, V.V. Tyutikov, S.N. Yarunin, N.N. YaruninaDevelopment and verification of simulation model of heat transfer process through window unit with heat-reflecting screensAbstract
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Cite 5-23-str.28-39.pdf21
Heat power engineeringV.A. Lebedev, A.S. Deev, A.D. StupkinLow-power NPP with heat accumulator with phase change materialAbstract
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Cite 5-23-str.19-27.pdf29
Heat power engineeringV.V. Bukhmirov, A.K. Sokolov, S.N. Yarunin, N.N. Yarunina, N.N. SmirnovImprovement of efficiency of solid fuel use at industrial thermal power plants Abstract
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Cite 5-23-str.12-18.pdf29
Mathematical modeling in power engineeringV.P. Zhukov, A.N. Belyakov, N.S. Shpeynova, E.A. Shuina, I.D. AksakovskiyMethod for identification of cell models of fluidized bed reactor based on discrete analogues of Boltzmann equation Abstract
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Cite 5-23-str.83-89.pdf13
Mathematical modeling in power engineeringV.P. Zhukov, M.D. Fomichev, E.V. Barochkin, E.A. Shuina, S.I. ShuvalovCombined model of heat and mass transfer in cooling towersAbstract
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Cite 5-23-str.90-96.pdf19
Mechatronics and electromechanicsA.N. GolubevSynchronous multiphase electric drive with multi-channel controlAbstract
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Cite 5-23-str.62-67.pdf38