Русская версия English version

Technology for simulation models of power transformers with arbitrary design of active part

A.I. Tikhonov, A.A. Karzhevin, A.V. Stulov, D.M. Tikhomirov, V.E. Rozin

Vestnik IGEU, 2023 issue 4, pp. 28—35

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Abstract in English: 

Background. Existing simulation models of power transformers that operate, for example, in the MATLAM Simulink SimPowerSystem environment, are based on an ideal transformer model. It allows using this model as an autonomous link in a complex electrical circuit. The main disadvantage of such models is the difficulty to consider non-standard versions of the magnetic circuit and special schemes for connecting winding elements when modeling. Particularly significant problems arise when modeling special transformers of the certain classes. At the same time, traditionally, when modeling the transient modes of transformers, a different approach is used. It is based on the use of inductance matrices which allows considering all the design features of the active part of the transformer. The disadvantage of this approach is the need to describe an external electrical circuit in addition to the transformer. Therefore, the problem to develop a modern technology for simulation models of transformers with an arbitrary design of the active part is topical. This model meets the requirement for the autonomy of the transformer model from the external circuit model.

Materials and methods. The authors have used the methods of modeling electrical and magnetic circuits based on the theory of ordinary differential equations, and simulation method using the MatLab Simulink SimPowerSystems package.

Results. A technology has been developed for simulation models of transformers with an arbitrary design of the active part based on the use of typical subsystems. An algorithm for matrix of inductances based on the main magnetic field of the transformer with the existing equivalent circuit of the magnetic circuit is given. The authors have presented a diagram of a three-phase transformer model developed using the proposed technology, as well as the results of comparing the current curves in the primary and secondary windings of the transformer when it is turned on at idle and with a resistive load. The results are obtained using the existing and new models.

Conclusions. The results of the study can be used to design general industrial and special transformers in design companies and in manufacturing environment. The developed technology can give a special effect when it is used at the R&D stage to study the operating modes of transformers in case the enterprise has no experience to design and manufacture them.

References in English: 
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Key words in Russian: 
имитационное моделирование трансформаторов, теория цепей, магнитные цепи, моделирование с использованием MatLab Simulink SimPowerSystems
Key words in English: 
transformer simulation, circuit theory, magnetic circuits, simulation using MatLab Simulink SimPowerSystems
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