Русская версия English version

Dump truck control algorithms when wheels slip

A.B. Vinogradov, A.A. Korotkov, K.K. Ermakov

Vestnik IGEU, 2023 issue 5, pp. 68—73

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Abstract in English: 

Background. Mine dump trucks with a carrying capacity of 90 tons or more are equipped with an electromechanical transmission that controls the traction motors of the driving wheels. Due to unfavorable operation conditions of dump trucks, there are strict requirements to the driving safety along unpaved roads of open pits. The results of BELAZ dump trucks tests and authors maintenance experience have shown that the active security system is especially needed and gives essential assistance to a driver. Loss of control of а loaded truck, for example, during sharp braking on a slippery icy road, can lead to а serious accident and additional costs for repairing mining equipment. Thus, the development of traffic safety systems of mine dump trucks with electromechanical transmission is an important task.

Materials and methods. The methods of automatic control, mathematical modeling and numerical solution of differential equations are used to develop control algorithms for a mine dump truck. To test the proposed solutions, the method of full-scale experiment is used in real-life driving conditions along the dirt and icy roads.

Results. Control algorithms that use data of additional front (driven) wheels sensor are proposed. The results of tests of a BELAZ dump truck with a carrying capacity of 90 tons are presented. The results confirm the effectiveness of the developed control system in comparison with the one currently used in stock-produced items.

Conclusions. The developed ABS system with speed sensors of the front wheels of a dump truck has proved the braking effectiveness along a slippery road. It makes it possible to improve the controllability of the dump truck significantly under conditions of lack of road adhesion, preventing the dump truck from skidding and wheels blocking. And it makes it possible to reduce mechanical effects on the transmission and anti-slip system sensitivity to different traffic conditions. The adaptive system remains operational if one of the front wheel sensors fails and if compared to the standard system it works equally effectively in various traffic conditions. The implementation of the obtained results will improve traffic safety and reduce the accident rate of expensive mining equipment.

References in English: 
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  8. Vinogradov, A.B., Gnezdov, N.E., Korotkov, A.A., Chistoserdov, V.L. Modernizatsiya elektrotransmissii kar'ernykh samosvalov po rezul'tatam dlitel'noy ekspluatatsii [Electromechanical transmission modernization for dump trucks based on long-term operation data]. Gornyy zhurnal, 2022, no. 4, pp. 106–112.
Key words in Russian: 
карьерный самосвал; проскальзывание колес; система управления; алгоритмы антиблокировки; алгоритмы антипробуксовки
Key words in English: 
mine dump truck, wheels slip, control system, anti-lock system, anti-slip system
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