Русская версия English version

Software design training system and selection of microcontrollers for electric drive control

N.E. Gnezdov, M.S. Kulenko, S.K. Lebedev, A.R. Kolganov

Vestnik IGEU, 2023 issue 5, pp. 74—82

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Abstract in English: 

Background. Ability of university graduates to design electric drives (ED) implies that they have knowledge and skills to develop software for microcontrollers (MC) used in modern electric drive control systems (ED CS). Studies on this topic touch upon the issues of particular training courses or teaching methods, and laboratory benches mean only debug boards. Often, education process is designed on a piecemeal basis. A systematic approach is required to teach students programming of microcontrollers of ED CS. In the context of restrictions of manufacturers from the USA, Japan and Europe, the selection of microcontroller for training and developing the ED CS is also topical.

Materials and methods. When developing the interrelated training courses, the authors have used 20 years of experience of design of ED CS. Product design software packages and metalworking technologies have been used as tools to develop a specialized laboratory bench. The method of comparative analysis is used when selecting microcontrollers.

Results. A multi-level (3-stage) model of interrelated training courses to teach students programming MC of ED CS is described. The evolution of the contents of training courses is shown. The author-developed bench is presented. It includes the debug board, measuring (multimeter, oscilloscope) and debugging (interface converters) equipment placed on a special unit. A review is given, an analysis of studies on these issues is carried out, and recommendations to select MC of ED CS in the current situation are given.

Conclusions. Implemented at the department, a systematic approach to teach students programming MC of ED CS gives them the qualifications necessary to independently perform tasks during the design of modern ED CS. The developed laboratory bench provides convenient and safety work with all debugging and measuring equipment used in the educational process. An overview and recommendations on the selection of MC of domestic and Chinese manufacturers will be useful for the developers of the electrical drive control systems.

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Key words in Russian: 
системы управления электроприводами, микроконтроллеры, обучение программированию микроконтроллеров, конвертер интерфейсов, отладочные платы, лабораторный стенд
Key words in English: 
electric drive control systems, micro-controllers, micro-controller programming training, interface converter, debug boards, laboratory bench
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