Русская версия English version

Low-power NPP with heat accumulator with phase change material

V.A. Lebedev, A.S. Deev, A.D. Stupkin

Vestnik IGEU, 2023 issue 5, pp. 19—27

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Abstract in English: 

Background. Nuclear power plants (NPP) are characterized by low maneuverability. This fact exacerbates the problem of the balance of generated and consumed power when nuclear power plants are used as an energy source. This problem is especially relevant for isolated power systems. One of the ways to increase the maneuverability of nuclear power plants is to use heat accumulators directly in the NPP circuit.

Materials and methods. The study is carried out for two most attractive options of including a heat accumulator in the NPP circuit: 1) parallel to a high-pressure heater to heat feed water; 2) to generate additional steam for a low-pressure cylinder. The efficiency of each of the options is determined based on the calculation of thermal schemes of nuclear power plants with a heat accumulator.

Results. The authors have calculated the power of the turbine unit and electricity generation when a heat accumulator is included in the nuclear power plant circuit. The analysis of the data obtained shows that when using a heat accumulator in the NPP circuit in parallel with high pressure heater to heat feed water, the power of the turbine unit is increased by 7,2 % in the accumulator discharge mode, and additional electricity generation due to accumulated heat is 0,63 MJ for each kilogram of waste steam. When using a heat accumulator to generate additional steam for a low-pressure cylinder, the power of the turbine unit is increased by 6,6 % in the accumulator discharge mode, and the additional power generation due to the accumulated heat is 0,40 MJ per kilogram of waste steam.

Conclusions. Application of heat accumulators in the NPP circuits will allow using the accumulated heat to generate additional electricity during high demand hours. Thus, the use of heat accumulators in NPP circuits is a way to increase the maneuverability of nuclear power plants, to reduce the negative impact of maneuverable modes on NPP equipment, and to reduce the number of liquid radioactive waste. The most effective and simple way to use the heat accumulator in the NPP circuit is to install it in parallel to the high-pressure heaters. In future, it is planned to determine the design of the heat accumulator, to model heat exchange processes in the heat accumulator

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Key words in Russian: 
АЭС малой мощности, аккумулятор теплоты, материалы с фазовым переходом, ВВЭР, суточный график потребления энергии
Key words in English: 
Low-power NPP, heat accumulator, phase change material, PWR, daily energy consumption schedule
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