Русская версия English version

Synchronous multiphase electric drive with multi-channel control

A.N. Golubev

Vestnik IGEU, 2023 issue 5, pp. 62—67

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Abstract in English: 

Background. A promising way to improve the technical and economic characteristics of an AC electric drive is to design it based on an executive synchronous motor with an increased number of phases of the stator winding. However, the specific nature of the m-phase (m > 3) synchronous motor is determined by the energy transfer by the whole spectrum of spatial harmonics of the field. Thus, the task is to design an electromechanical system that takes this feature into account.

Materials and methods. The author has used the method to study the adjustment characteristics of an m-phase synchronous motor based on spectral vectors of electromagnetic parameters reduced to spatial harmonics of the field.

Results. A multichannel principle of realization of an m-phase synchronous electric drive is proposed. It ensures the targeted formation of the electromagnetic state of a synchronous motor through all its energy channels as a control object. Various ways of its implementation are considered.

Conclusions. The realization of the multiphase synchronous motor can be carried out based on of the forced mutual orientation of the flux linkage vectors and the stator current for higher spatial harmonics, which ensures the creation of additional constant components of the electromagnetic torque. This design of electric drives is advisable, in particular, for mobile installations with low-voltage (autonomous) power sources.

References in English: 

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7. Golubev, A.N., Lapin, A.A. Matematicheskaya model' sinkhronnogo dvigatelya s mnogofaznoy statornoy obmotkoy [Mathematical model of synchronous motor with multiphase stator winding]. Elektrotekhnika, 1998, no. 9, pp. 8–13.

8. Golubev, A.N. Sinkhronnyy mnogofaznyy elektroprivod s upravleniem po osnovnomu energeticheskomu kanalu [Synchronous multiphase electric drive with main control power channel]. Vestnik IGEU, 2023, issue 1, pp. 53–59.

Key words in Russian: 
синхронный электропривод, многофазный синхронный двигатель, энергетические характеристики, временные гармоники, пространственные гармоники
Key words in English: 
synchronous electric drive, multiphase synchronous motor, energy characteristics, time harmonics, spatial harmonics
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