Русская версия English version

Influence of filling gaps with low thermal conductivity gases on thermal protection of window units with screens

G.I. Parfenov, N.N. Smirnov, V.V. Tyutikov, E.N. Bushuev, E.A. Shuina

Vestnik IGEU, 2023 issue 6, pp. 5—12

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Abstract in English: 

Background. ISPU scientists have developed energy-saving constructions of window units with heat-reflecting screens, have tested them in a climate chamber, and have carried out simulation modeling of the heat transfer process through these constructions. Despite a large number of scientific papers that consider experimental laboratory studies and numerical simulation of heat transfer processes through translucent constructions, there is no data on the effect of the application of low thermal conductivity gases in the gaps formed by glass and metal elements on increasing the thermal protection of window units with screens. The correct calculation of the reduced heat transfer resistance of window units with screens and low-thermal conductivity gases affects the correctness of the heat balance for premises and, consequently, the quality of the design of energy systems to ensure the indoor microclimate. Thus, the development of models of heat transfer process through a window unit with screens is an urgent task to ensure the indoor microclimate.

Materials and methods. Simulation numerical modeling is carried out using the finite element method based on the fundamental laws of heat transfer.

Results. The authors have developed a two-dimensional simulation model of heat transfer through a window unit with heat-reflecting screens, in which the gaps between the glass and aluminum foil are filled with argon and krypton. The distribution of resistance to heat transfer along the height of a translucent enclosing structure has been studied. The adequacy of the proposed simulation model is confirmed by comparison with data of other scientists and regulatory documentation.

Conclusions. Filling the gaps between glass and metal foil with argon makes it possible to increase the zonal heat transfer resistance of a window unit with screens in relation to the base-case scenario (air) by 6–23 %, krypton by 8–58 % (depending on the measurement location and the number of screens). The application of the developed simulation model will make it possible to more accurately determine the potential to use heat-reflecting screens in windows for intermittent heating systems of buildings.

References in English: 

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12. Parfenov, G.I., Smirnov, N.N., Tyutikov, V.V., Trukhin, I.S., Rakutina, D.V., Abyshkin, M.O. Programma dlya dvukhmernogo modelirovaniya protsessa teploperedachi cherez energoeffektivnyy okonnyy blok s zapolnennymi argonom vnutrennimi kamerami steklopaketa i s teplootrazhayushchim ekranom [Program for two-dimensional modeling of the heat transfer process through an energy-efficient window unit with argon-filled gaps and a heat-reflecting screen]. Certificate no. 2023662772 RF, 2023.

Key words in Russian: 
имитационное моделирование, оконный блок с теплоотражающими экранами, приведенное сопротивление теплопередаче, теплообмен, малотеплопроводные газы
Key words in English: 
simulation, window block with heat-reflecting screens, resistance to heat transfer, heat transfer, low-heat-conductivity gases
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