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2023 issue 6

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Automated control systems in power engineeringA.A. Anisimov, M.E. Sorokovnin, S.V. TararykinImproving the accuracy of identification and tuning of linear systems with state controllers using an artificial neural networkAbstract
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Cite 6-23-str.57-68.pdf53
Automated control systems in power engineeringA.A. Nikolaev, M.V. Bulanov, A.S. Maklakov, I.G. GilemovDevelopment and study of improved PWM algorithms of active rectifiers to achieve power quality in intra-factory electrical networks 6–35 kVAbstract
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Cite 6-23-str.69-81.pdf27
Heat power engineeringA.B. Biryukov, A.N. Lebedev, K.D. KaminskiiMethod to determine dew point temperature of natural gas combustion productsAbstract
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Cite 6-23-str.43-49.pdf81
Heat power engineeringA.I. Khaibullina, A.R. Khayrullin, V.R. IlyinExperimental study of oscillating flow in tube bundleAbstract
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Cite 6-23-str.29-37.pdf25
Heat power engineeringE.V. Gusev, A.I. Sokolsky, A.A. Sergienkova, E.A. ShuinaMass conductivity of dispersed and sheet materials under thermodynamic equilibrium conditionsAbstract
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Cite 6-23-str.38-42.pdf15
Heat power engineeringG.I. Parfenov, N.N. Smirnov, V.V. Tyutikov, E.N. Bushuev, E.A. ShuinaInfluence of filling gaps with low thermal conductivity gases on thermal protection of window units with screensAbstract
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Cite 6-23-str.5-12.pdf18
Heat power engineeringO.B. Kolibaba, R.D. Adakin, E.A. Shuina Study of thermal operation of heat generator of rotary baking ovenAbstract
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Cite 6-23-str.23-28.pdf30
Heat power engineeringV.V. Bukhmirov, I.I. Svetushkov, E.N. Bushuev, E.N. Temlyantseva, M.V. RodionovaExperimental study of microclimate at thermal power plantAbstract
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Cite 6-23-str.13-22.pdf33
Mathematical modeling in power engineeringK.V. Trubitsyn, T.E. Gavrilova, E.V. Kotova, K.V. Kolotilkina, S.V. Zaitsev, V.A. KudinovAdditional boundary conditions in heat conduction problems with coordinate variable initial conditionAbstract
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Cite 6-23-str.88-94.pdf26
Mathematical modeling in power engineeringV.P. Zhukov, A.E. Barochkin, A.N. Belyakov, E.V. Barochkin, E.A. Shuina, A.K. SokolovMathematical modeling, optimization of structure and operating mode of condensing boiler equipmentAbstract
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Cite 6-23-str.82-87.pdf31
Mechatronics and electromechanicsK.R. Valiullin, S.I. TushevCombined mathematical model of heating an asynchronous motorAbstract
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Cite 6-23-str.50-56.pdf33