Русская версия English version

Experimental study of microclimate at thermal power plant

V.V. Bukhmirov, I.I. Svetushkov, E.N. Bushuev, E.N. Temlyantseva, M.V. Rodionova

Vestnik IGEU, 2023 issue 6, pp. 13—22

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Abstract in English: 

Background. Microclimate quality required by regulatory documents in the main housing of the thermal power plant is necessary to manage the technological process and comply with labor protection requirements. Thus, obtaining information about microclimate parameters is an urgent task.

Materials and methods. A passive experiment using state-of-the-industry measuring instruments is carried out to obtain the microclimate parameters in the main housing of the thermal power plant.

Results. The main (temperature and relative humidity) and auxiliary (CO2, РМ2.5, tVOC) characteristics of the air environment in the turbine and boiler sections of the main housing of the Ivanovo CHPP-2 are obtained. Analysis of experimental data allows us to draw conclusions that the microclimate parameters at the thermal power plant are in compliance with the current regulatory documents.

Conclusions. Information about the state of the microclimate depending on the technological operating mode of the thermal station and the environment will allow us to develop energy-saving measures to reduce energy consumption for in-house needs. It can be useful to check the reliability of the existing and new methods to calculate the microclimate at thermal power plants.

References in English: 

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Key words in Russian: 
тепловая электрическая станция, параметры микроклимата, энергосбережение, технологические режимы работы ТЭС
Key words in English: 
thermal power plant, microclimate parameters, energy saving, technological operating modes of thermal power plants
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