Русская версия English version

Implementation of the methodology to design heat generating facilities using automated calculations and focusing on standard design

Yu.A. Petrova, V.Yu. Sokolov

Vestnik IGEU, 2024 issue 3, pp. 13—19

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Abstract in English: 

Background. The quality of the project may well determine the operability and cost-effectiveness of the designed facility. There are various design methods, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages, analysis of which can be found in published studies. Thus, a methodology has been developed to reduce the likelihood of an error during system design and to reduce time using calculation programs. The purpose of this study is to implement the developed methodology using the example of designing pumping storage tanks.

Materials and methods. The study is carried out using a pipeline model designed in the START-Prof software, which allows one to accurately estimate the loads from all impacts (temperature, weight, etc.) on pipelines and equipment.

Results. As a result of this study, the authors have developed the methodology based on standard design and using automation tools for strengthening studies. The pumping equipment piping is completed using the developed method and the calculation of the developed model. The load values ​​on the equipment fittings have been obtained. The analysis of the obtained values is presented proving the operability of the system, and therefore the rationality of the chosen method.

Conclusions. The results obtained confirm the advantages of the developed methodology. It can be widely used in any field of design in addition to heat generation. Further combining the methodology with various automation tools, for example, the concept of BIM design, will enhance its advantages.

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Key words in Russian: 
проектирование теплогенерирующих объектов, методика проектирования, типовой проект, модель трубопровода, расчет в СТАРТ-Проф
Key words in English: 
design of heat generating facilities, design method, standard project, pipeline model, calculation in START-Prof
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