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2024 issue 3

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Electrical power engineeringA.N. Nazarychev, D.A. Polkoshnikov, A.S. Strakhov, E.M. Novoselov, M.A. Zakharov, A.A. SkorobogatovStudy of the external magnetic field signal of an asynchronous electric motor in run-down modeAbstract
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Cite 3-24-str.46-54.pdf24
Electrical power engineeringL.R. Gainullina, H.F. Alhajj On the impact of uncertainties on wind resource and power generation forecastsAbstract
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Cite 3-24-str.55-63.pdf24
Electrical power engineeringV.D. Lebedev, D.G. GrigorievAnalysis of frequency-dependent characteristics of digital current and voltage transformer current sensorsAbstract
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Cite 3-24-str.29-38.pdf17
Electrical power engineeringV.P. Golov, D.N. Kormilitsyn, O.S. SukhanovaComparison of characteristics of lines of high and extra-high voltage when selecting the parameters of controlled device of series compensationAbstract
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Cite 3-24-str.39-45.pdf15
Heat power engineeringO.B. Kolibaba, M.V. Kozlova, A.B. GaryaevDevelopment of criteria to evaluate effectiveness of solid municipal waste management methodsAbstract
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Cite 3-24-str.20-28.pdf29
Heat power engineeringV.I. Murko, V.I. Karpenok, M.P. Baranova, V.V. Bukhmirov, E.N. TemlyantsevaFeatures of combustion of composite coal-water fuelAbstract
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Cite 3-24-str.5-12.pdf18
Heat power engineeringYu.A. Petrova, V.Yu. SokolovImplementation of the methodology to design heat generating facilities using automated calculations and focusing on standard designAbstract
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Cite 3-24-str.13-19.pdf21
Mathematical modeling in power engineering A.E. BarochkinMethodology of matrix modeling of multicomponent multiflow multi-stage energy complexesAbstract
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Cite 3-24-str.64-70.pdf28
Mathematical modeling in power engineeringA.N. Labutin, A.A. Andreenkov, E.A. Shuina, Y.N. PonomarevaComparative analysis of options for temperature control algorithms design in a chemical reactorAbstract
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Cite 3-24-str.78-86.pdf18
Mathematical modeling in power engineeringV.C. Semenov, N.B. Ivanova, I.I. ChernyaevaApplication of Pontryagin principle for optimal shutdown of a nuclear power reactorAbstract
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Cite 3-24-str.71-77.pdf9