Русская версия English version

Evaluation of the efficiency of air swirl during atomization of coal-water slurries with a pneumatic atomizer

D.V. Gvozdyakov, A.V. Zenkov

Vestnik IGEU, 2024 issue 4, pp. 30—40

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Abstract in English: 

Background. Due to modern requirements for environmental protection, introduction of environmentally friendly power engineering technologies involves search and development of new energy sources. One of the ways to meet these requirements and maintain the same level of energy production by thermal power plants is to use multicomponent fuels. The most promising and affordable heavy fuel oil from the point of view of energy, ecology and economy are coal-water slurries (CWS). In this regard, the study of the properties and characteristics of such fuels is relevant.

Materials and methods. The coal-water slurries have been prepared in a rotary hydrodynamic cavitation generator. A pneumatic atomizer with external mixing is used to spray the coal-water slurries. Interferometric Particle Imaging method is used to determine the average size of fuel droplets after atomization.

Results. The authors have conducted experimental studies of the characteristics of atomization of coal-water slurries based on lignite and pyrogenetic liquid with a pneumatic atomizer with a tangential supply of a spraying agent. A three-stage method to prepare lignite-based slurries with pyrogenetic liquid has been tested. It has been established that when using this technique, the fluidity of coal-water fuel is maintained even with the introduction of 20 % by weight of pyrogenetic liquid into the composition of coal-water slurries when replacing both water and coal in equal proportions. The kinematic viscosity of coal-water suspensions increases when pyrogenetic liquid is added, despite a decrease in the concentration of the solid component. The change of suspension density is insignificant. The results of the study of atomization process have shown that the tangential air supply to the atomizer leads to an increase of the jet spraying angle by 6° compared with direct supply. At the same time, the average droplet size in the jet of a two-component CWS with direct air supply is 8 % smaller.

Conclusions. The results of the study have made it possible to obtain completely new knowledge that can significantly advance domestic and world science and technology in the field of power engineering, namely the technology of coal-water fuels atomization. Experimental studies have determined the main patterns of influence of the CWS properties and the method of spraying agent supply on the formation of a gas-drop jet. Such patterns will provide conditions for the effective atomization of quite viscous CWS in the combustion chambers of energy boilers. The results obtained will enable designers and constructors to develop highly efficient designs of steam and hot water boilers and gasifiers fueled by CWS

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Key words in Russian: 
бурый уголь, водоугольная суспензия, пирогенетическая жидкость, пневматическая форсунка
Key words in English: 
lignite, coal-water slurry, pyrogenetic liquid, pneumatic atomizer
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