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2024 issue 4

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Electrical power engineeringD.M. Bannov, V.I. PolishchukMethod of processing signals of stator currents of induction motor to diagnose broken rotor barAbstract
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Cite 4-24-str.64-72.pdf22
Electrical power engineeringK.S. Aleshin, A.A. Syomushkin, T.Yu. Shadrikova, V.A. ShuinUniversal centralized protection against single phase earth faults in 6–10 kV cable networksAbstract
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Cite 4-24-str.41-52.pdf39
Electrical power engineeringR.D. Aysin, D.Yu. Vikharev, A.Yu. Murzin, N.A. RodinDetermination of saturation of the magnetic circuit of current transformer based on continuous measurement of impedance of the magnetization circuitAbstract
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Cite 4-24-str.53-63.pdf51
Heat power engineeringD.V. Gvozdyakov, A.V. ZenkovEvaluation of the efficiency of air swirl during atomization of coal-water slurries with a pneumatic atomizerAbstract
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Cite 4-24-str.30-40.pdf22
Heat power engineeringE.N. Bushuev, A.Yu. ZholobovaUsing “PROJECT WTP” software to carry out process design and analysis of water desalination technologies at thermal power plants and nuclear power plantsAbstract
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Cite 4-24-str.5-14.pdf18
Heat power engineeringS.A. Bannikova, A.V. Bannikov , M.V. Kozlova Improvement of energy efficiency of heating networks due to recycling heat lossesAbstract
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Cite 4-24-str.22-29.pdf38
Heat power engineeringV.V. Bukhmirov, E.N. Bushuev, I.I. Svetushkov, E.N. Temlyantseva, D.A. DolininDevelopment of geometric model of the main building of Ivanovo CHPP-2 in Ansys PVKAbstract
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Cite 4-24-str.15-21.pdf46
Mechatronics and electromechanicsA.V. Saushev, I.V. Belousov, V.F. SamoseikoOvermodulation in three-phase electronic key bridges of the converter-electric motor systemAbstract
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Cite 4-24-str.87-94.pdf19
Mechatronics and electromechanicsI.S. PolyuschenkovSoftware development for digital interfaces of electromechanical position sensor Abstract
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Cite 4-24-str.73-86.pdf48