Русская версия English version

Development of criteria to evaluate effectiveness of solid municipal waste management methods

O.B. Kolibaba, M.V. Kozlova, A.B. Garyaev

Vestnik IGEU, 2024 issue 3, pp. 20—28

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Abstract in English: 

Background. One of the most socially significant environmental problems is the problem of solid municipal waste (SMW) management. In Russia, the most common method of waste management is waste disposal, i.e., landfilling depositing. However, waste disposal in such a way prevents the use of their resource potential, and also, harms the environment. Along with this method, such methods as recycling, incineration, anaerobic digestion, and thermal destruction are used. The choice of a particular waste management method depends on many factors, for example the morphological composition of the waste, the cost of its implementation, the total impact on the environment, etc. Thus, development of a comprehensive criterion that allows evaluating the effectiveness of a specific waste management method under specified conditions is relevant.

Materials and methods. The substantiation of the most effective method of waste management, as well as the development of a comprehensive criterion for evaluating efficiency, is carried out using the method of analyzing hierarchies by T. Saati.

Results. Six criteria have been developed to assess the reduction of waste volume, the impact of the SMW recycling process on the environment, volume of greenhouse gas emissions, and the energy and economic attractiveness of various waste management methods. A comprehensive criterion has been proposed. The use of this criterion with the expert assessments makes it possible to choose a method for the disposal of SMW.

Conclusions. As a result of the analysis of the results obtained, it is found that the most effective method of waste management is thermal destruction, and waste disposal is less preferable. A method has been developed to compare and select a method for the disposal of SMW of a given composition based on a comprehensive account of energy, environmental and economic factors.

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Key words in Russian: 
метод анализа иерархий, твердые коммунальные отхода, захоронение коммунальных отходов, термическая деструкция, анаэробное сбраживание, рециклинг
Key words in English: 
hierarchy analysis method, solid municipal waste, municipal waste disposal, thermal destruction, anaerobic digestion, recycling
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