Русская версия English version

Study of the external magnetic field signal of an asynchronous electric motor in run-down mode

A.N. Nazarychev, D.A. Polkoshnikov, A.S. Strakhov, E.M. Novoselov, M.A. Zakharov, A.A. Skorobogatov

Vestnik IGEU, 2024 issue 3, pp. 46—54

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Abstract in English: 

Background. Currently, one of the important scientific tasks is the development and improvement of methods for non-destructive testing of asynchronous electric motors during operation. One of the promising areas of diagnostics is the use of an external magnetic field signal. However, its study in the run-down mode is not given due attention by the authors of scientific publications, despite a number of advantages of this signal. Therefore, the aim of this research is to confirm the possibility to record and study the signal of the radial component of the induction of the external magnetic field in the run-down mode of an asynchronous motor. So, the aim is relevant.

Materials and methods. The research is carried out using several test benches, real low-voltage and high-voltage asynchronous motors and a simulation model of an asynchronous electric motor designed in the Ansys software package. To process the signals, namely, to construct the frequency-time spectra of the external magnetic field in the run-down mode, the authors have used a program based on the Short Time Fourier Transform using the Flat-top window as a window function to more accurately determine the amplitudes of the harmonic components.

Results. During the research conducted on test benches, it has been found that the external magnetic field of the motor in the run-down mode will exist due to the phenomenon of residual magnetization. The possibility of modeling asynchronous motors considering residual magnetization has been proven and the reliability of the resulting model has been confirmed. The spectra of external magnetic field signals on real motors and simulation models in the run-down mode are presented.

Conclusions. The external magnetic field signal in the run-down mode can be recorded both on simulation models and on real low-voltage and high-voltage asynchronous electric motors. During further research, it is planned to analyze the possibility of identifying faults in asynchronous motors using this signal.

References in English: 

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Key words in Russian: 
асинхронный двигатель, внешнее магнитное поле, режим выбега, датчик Холла, имитационное моделирование
Key words in English: 
asynchronous motor, external magnetic field, run-down mode, Hall sensor, simulation
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