Русская версия English version

Universal centralized protection against single phase earth faults in 6–10 kV cable networks

K.S. Aleshin, A.A. Syomushkin, T.Yu. Shadrikova, V.A. Shuin

Vestnik IGEU, 2024 issue 4, pp. 41—52

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Abstract in English: 

Background. Selective protection against single phase earth faults in distribution 6–10 kV cable networks can be performed both with the use of individual (per connection) and centralized devices covering all connections of the protected object. The advantages of centralized devices are reduction of specific (per connection) costs of protection, simplification of its operation and design. Well-known technical solutions in terms of centralized protection devices against this type of damage do not always provide versatility (the possibility to use neutral cables of 6–10 kV in various grounding modes) and high technical perfection (selectivity and stability of operation). Thus, it is relevant to develop a universal centralized protection against single-phase earth faults, ensuring high technical perfection for all types of earth faults in 6–10 kV cable networks with different neutral grounding modes.

Materials and methods. The authors have used a comprehensive simulation model "cable network – protection device" to study the selectivity and stability of the developed principles of implementation and algorithms for centralized protection against earth faults. The model is designed in SimPowerSystems and Simulink software. The configuration and parameters of the cable network model have been selected considering the key features of 6–10 kV distribution cable networks of industrial and urban power supply systems.

Results. A universal centralized protection against all types of earth faults in 6–10 kV cable networks with various neutral grounding modes has been developed. The results of functional tests on the simulation model have confirmed the effectiveness of the developed algorithms of the developed centralized protection for all types of earth faults both in uncompensated and compensated cable networks of 6–10 kV.

Conclusions. The proposed technical solution implements a multifunctional multiparametric centralized protection against earth faults. It has such properties as versatility, selectivity, and high stability of operation for all types of earth faults, recognition of types of single-phase earth faults, continuity of action in stable and most dangerous arc intermittent earth faults.

References in English: 

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Key words in Russian: 
кабельные сети 6–10 кВ, однофазные замыкания на землю, универсальная многофункциональная централизованная защита от замыканий на землю
Key words in English: 
6–10 kV cable networks, single phase earth faults, universal multifunctional centralized earth fault protection
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