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Using “PROJECT WTP” software to carry out process design and analysis of water desalination technologies at thermal power plants and nuclear power plants

E.N. Bushuev, A.Yu. Zholobova

Vestnik IGEU, 2024 issue 4, pp. 5—14

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Abstract in English: 

Background. There are many viable options of desalination schemes that allow us to obtain purified water of the required quality. To conduct process design of a water treatment plant, thermal power plants and nuclear power plants use special software provided by manufacturers of ion exchangers and membrane elements. However, these software programs consider individual water treatment technologies and are attached to filter and membrane materials of a specific manufacturer. They do not provide the ability to calculate complete water desalination schemes, as well as determine the performance indicators of the water treatment plant. It is relevant to develop a software program that allows us to conduct process design of complete water treatment schemes, which include various water treatment technologies, and to determine technological, environmental, and technical-economic indicators. Multivariate calculations with different initial data will allow us to identify the advantages and disadvantages of scheme solutions and determine areas of their rational use.

Materials and methods. The method of mathematical modeling of chemical and technological processes of water treatment at thermal power plants and nuclear power plants has been used.

Results. An application software program “PROJECT WTP” has been developed. It is designed for process design of various water treatment schemes, which are visually assembled from individual elements, and allows one to determine the technological, environmental, and performance indicators of the operation of water treatment plant. Computation data on the auxiliary need coefficient has been obtained for the main water desalination schemes and under condition of different mineralization of the source water.

Conclusions. The developed software program can be used for process design of various water treatment schemes and assessment of the degree of improvement of water desalination technology.

References in English: 

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Key words in Russian: 
водоподготовительная установка, технологический расчет, математическая модель, коэффициент собственных нужд
Key words in English: 
water treatment plant, process design, mathematical model, auxiliary needs coefficient
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