Русская версия English version

Determination of saturation of the magnetic circuit of current transformer based on continuous measurement of impedance of the magnetization circuit

R.D. Aysin, D.Yu. Vikharev, A.Yu. Murzin, N.A. Rodin

Vestnik IGEU, 2024 issue 4, pp. 53—63

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Abstract in English: 

Background. Saturation of electromagnetic current transformers in transient modes of operation of an electric power system can lead to incorrect operation of relay protection devices. One of the most promising directions to improve the stability of the operation of relay protection devices in such modes is digital correction of secondary current. Currently, effective methods have been developed to restore the secondary current based on determination of magnetic circuit saturation. However, the practical application of these methods is impossible due to the imperfection of existing methods of secondary current segmentation. Thus, it is urgent to develop a method to determine saturation for implementation of digital correction algorithms for electromagnetic current transformers.

Materials and methods. To solve the stated problem, methods of mathematical modeling of electrical circuits containing transformers and the small-disturbance theory have been used. Verification of the research results is carried out in the Matlab software package.

Results. A mathematical criterion is formulated to determine the saturation of the magnetic circuit of an electromagnetic current transformer based on the inductance of the magnetization circuit. A method of segmentation of the secondary current has been developed for the implementation of digital correction algorithms based on the proposed criterion.

Conclusions. The effectiveness of the developed method to determine the saturation of the magnetic circuit of an electromagnetic current transformer using computational experiments in the Matlab software package is demonstrated. It is planned to verify the developed method using a physical model of an electromagnetic current transformer.

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Key words in Russian: 
трансформатор тока, насыщение магнитопровода, вторичный ток, коррекция вторичного тока, цепь намагничивания
Key words in English: 
current transformer, magnetic circuit saturation, secondary current, secondary current correction, magnetization circuit
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