Русская версия English version

Development of geometric model of the main building of Ivanovo CHPP-2 in Ansys PVK

V.V. Bukhmirov, E.N. Bushuev, I.I. Svetushkov, E.N. Temlyantseva, D.A. Dolinin

Vestnik IGEU, 2024 issue 4, pp. 15—21

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Abstract in English: 

Background. Modeling of the heat-air regime in the main body of the TPP in the scientific and technical literature is given insufficient attention. To simulate the heat-air regime in the main building of a thermal power plant, it is necessary to develop a geometric model of the boiler-turbine shop. A mathematical model of the heat-air regime in the main building of the TPP will allow us to develop energy-saving measures and improve the microclimate in the premises of the plant.

Materials and methods. The study has been carried out using mathematical modeling methods based on the DesignModeler graphic editor in ANSYS software.

Results. A geometric model of the boiler-turbine shop of Ivanovo combined heat and power plant-2 (CHPP-2) has been developed. It allows us to develop a mathematical model of heat and mass transfer in the air space of the main building of the plant.

Conclusions. The three-dimensional geometric model of Ivanovo CHPP-2 is the first stage of the development of an integrated mathematical model of the heat-air regime of the main building. Its aim is to evaluate measures that reduce consumption of thermal and electrical energy for the in-house needs.

References in English: 

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Key words in Russian: 
котлотурбинный цех, тепловоздушный режим, математическая модель микроклимата, условия однозначности для решения дифференциальных уравнений тепломассообмена, геометрическая модель объекта
Key words in English: 
boiler-turbine shop, heat-air regime, mathematical model of microclimate, single-valued condition to solve differential equations of heat and mass transfer, geometric model of the object
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