Русская версия English version

Study of operation of thermal desalination plant with contact evaporator and compression of vapor-air mixture

M.V. Kozlova, A.V. Bannikov, S.A. Bannikova

Vestnik IGEU, 2024 issue 5, pp. 21—30

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Abstract in English: 

Background. One of the global issues of our time is the shortage of freshwater resources. Desalination of marine and brackish waters is a promising solution to this problem. The most common desalination technologies are thermal (distillation) and baromembrane (reverse osmosis and nanofiltration) processes. When designing demineralization stations with reverse osmosis units, it is necessary to consider a number of limitations associated with higher requirements for pretreatment of water entering the unit. The use of thermal desalination plants makes it possible to obtain fresh water of higher quality, and less stringent requirements are imposed on the preliminary preparation of water for this type of unit. However, during the operation of desalination plants of this type, scale forms on the heating surfaces, which negatively affects the efficiency of the unit. Scale is formed less intensively in the units with contact vapors, since in this case the evaporation process occurs in volume. Thus, the development of thermal scheme of such unit and the study of their operation is relevant.

Materials and methods. The tasks have been solved using the methods of experimental studies of heat and mass transfer processes, mathematical processing of experimental data, and balance calculations of power plants.

Results. A thermal scheme of a thermal desalination plant with a contact evaporator with compression of a vapor-air mixture has been developed. Thermal and material balance has been compiled, on the basis of which energy costs have been determined to obtain m3 of fresh water. The authors have proved the determining influence of the temperature of desalinated water in the bubbling zone on the productivity of desalination plants with a contact evaporator. An amendment has been obtained that allows the initial salinity of water and brine to be considered when calculating the operating cycle of the unit.

Conclusions. As a result of the analysis of the results obtained, it is found that an increase in the water temperature in the bubbling zone allows us to increase the productivity of the unit, and an increase of the drying temperature of the vapor-air mixture leads to a decrease of the energy consumption of the desalination plant. The introduction of an amendment considering the salinity of the source water and brine makes it possible to increase the accuracy of calculating air humidification up to 15 %.

References in English: 

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Key words in Russian: 
термическое опреснение, контактный испаритель, барботаж, соленость воды, рассол, пресная вода, цикл работы установки
Key words in English: 
thermal desalination, contact evaporator, bubbling, salinity, brine, fresh water, operation cycle of the unit
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