Русская версия English version

Simulation modeling of ozone generator

S.P. Bobkov, I.A. Astrakhantseva, V.P. Zhukov, E.S. Bobkova

Vestnik IGEU, 2024 issue 6, pp. 81—90

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Abstract in English: 

Background. Industrial combustion of fuel leads to pollution of the environment with flue gases containing oxides of sulfur, carbon, and nitrogen, which belong to toxic substances. One of the methods of neutralizing exhaust gases is their chemical purification using ozone, which allows accelerating the oxidation reactions of oxides to easily recyclable compounds. One of the industrial methods to obtain ozone is its generation (synthesis) from oxygen-containing mixtures in installations in which high-voltage electrical discharges are used. In this regard, improving the methods of calculation and design of ozone generators is an urgent task.

Materials and methods. The authors have used simulation models based on the Monte Carlo method, which allows random processes to be described using both deterministic and probabilistic rules.

Results. A simulation model of an ozone generator in a barrier electric discharge has been developed. A general methodology to develop a simulation model of an ozone generator has been proposed. A modeling algorithm has been developed and a description of individual stages of the process has been considered. The adequacy of the simulation model description of physical experiment data has been demonstrated.

Conclusions. The obtained data on the non-uniform distribution of active particles in the working zone of the device provides an opportunity to improve the ozone generator designs. The application of a discrete stochastic approach is a promising direction of research, due to its possible computational implementation using modern computer technology within the framework of parallel computing technology.

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Key words in Russian: 
имитационное моделирование, дискретные модели, случайные процессы, электросинтез озона
Key words in English: 
simulation modeling, discrete models, random processes, ozone electrosynthesis
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