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2024 issue 6

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Electrical power engineeringM.V. Vecherkin, A.Yu. Lednov, A.S. Sarvarov, D.M. Dolgushin Mathematical model for selection of frequency range boundaries when recording acoustic signals of partial discharges in high-voltage transformersAbstract
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Cite 6-24-str.51-57.pdf16
Heat power engineeringA.B. Larin, B.M. Larin, E.G. Ukhalova, L.N. Khripkova Chemical control of organic substances along water steam path of the power unitAbstract
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Cite 6-24-str.31-38.pdf9
Heat power engineeringA.B. Larin, B.M. Larin, K.V. ZotovaCalculation of pHt values at operating parameters of water coolant of the secondary circuit of NPPs with PWRAbstract
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Cite 6-24-str.15-22.pdf5
Heat power engineeringA.K. Sokolov, V.P. Zhukov, N.N. Smirnov, N.N. Yarunina Method of complex determination of the dependence of the thermophysical characteristics of metal on temperature by solving the inverse problem of thermal conductivityAbstract
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Cite 6-24-str.23-30.pdf17
Heat power engineeringV.M. Lapshova, M.V. Kozlova, A.V. Bannikov, S.A. Bannikova, V.A. GorbynovDevelopment of thermal scheme of gas contact desalination plant and analysis of its application conditionsAbstract
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Cite 6-24-str.5-14.pdf19
Heat power engineeringV.N. Didenko, D.A. Khvorenkov, I.I. Fakhraziev Calculation of the portion of air in drying units used for cold regeneration of the adsorbentAbstract
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Cite 6-24-str.39-50.pdf7
Information technology in power engineeringS.N. Litvinov, S.A. Ladanov, M.V. KarelinDevelopment of an algorithm for industrial production objects continuous tracking based on recursive Kalman filterAbstract
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Cite 6-24-str.91-98.pdf31
Mathematical modeling in power engineeringM.D. Fomichev, V.P. Zhukov, M.V. KozlovaStudy of wind speed influence on non-uniformity of air flow distribution in tower cooling towersAbstract
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Cite 6-24-str.75-80.pdf14
Mathematical modeling in power engineeringS.P. Bobkov, I.A. Astrakhantseva, V.P. Zhukov, E.S. Bobkova Simulation modeling of ozone generatorAbstract
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Cite 6-24-str.81-90.pdf12
Mechatronics and electromechanicsA.A. Nikolaev, I.G. Gilemov, M.V. Bulanov, V.S. IvekeevAnalysis of the effectiveness of methods for ensuring electromagnetic compatibility of electric drives with active rectifiers in real production conditionsAbstract
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Cite 6-24-str.67-74.pdf9
Mechatronics and electromechanicsA.I. Tikhonov, V.E. Rozin, M.S. Fadeeva, E.R. Soloviev, N.V. ProkhorovaDevelopment of design system for electrical reactors, chokes and low-power transformersAbstract
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Cite 6-24-str.58-66.pdf16