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Development of design system for electrical reactors, chokes and low-power transformers

A.I. Tikhonov, V.E. Rozin, M.S. Fadeeva, E.R. Soloviev, N.V. Prokhorova

Vestnik IGEU, 2024 issue 6, pp. 58—66

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Abstract in English: 

Background. Optimization based on the use of search methods for solving nonlinear problems with a discret or even discontinuous domain of definition and solution domain plays a crucial role in modern CAD systems of electrical devices. The role of universal science-intensive models is also growing, allowing us to get rid of the need to conduct R&D and develop prototypes of products, which has a positive effect on competition in the conditions of small-scale and individual production. At the same time, the number of experienced specialists at production sites who can personally develop design methods for non-standard devices is decreasing. In the meantime, powerful CAD systems remain inaccessible for small and medium-sized businesses in the field of transformer engineering. The purpose of this study is to develop an accessible software product capable of adapting to the changing range of manufacture of a particular enterprise.

Materials and methods. The authors have used the methods of the theory of CAD of transformers, methods of modeling physical processes in transformers, chokes and reactors using electrical equivalent circuits, and search methods for solving nonlinear problems.

Results. A CAD system for low-power transformers, chokes and reactors with a ferromagnetic core has been developed. MSExcel and MatLab packages have been used for the educational version of the CAD system, while MSExcel and the Python mathematical library have been used for the commercial version. A genetic algorithm has been used to find a solution using the penalty function method. A single scientific base based on the construction of electrical equivalent circuits for physical processes of arbitrary nature has been used to verify the calculations of the finished product. The author's library for modeling electrical circuits has been used to develop chain models.

Conclusions. The CAD system of reactors, chokes and low-power transformers has been tested at three Russian enterprises specializing in the manufacture of low-power transformers, as well as chokes and reactors. The results of the work can be used to develop similar systems for designing electrical devices.

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Key words in Russian: 
автоматизированное проектирование, трансформаторы малой мощности, электрический реактор, дроссели, цепные модели физических процессов, генетические алгоритмы
Key words in English: 
computer-aided design, low-power transformers, electric reactor, chokes, chain models of physical processes, genetic algorithms
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