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2011 issue 1

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G.V. Ledukhovsky, А.А. Pospelov, N.S. Astashov, S.V. Dobrov, I.B. Volkov, G.B. Komissar. Testing of Turbounit Tp-115/125-130-1TP PO TMZ  when Operating in Heat-extraction Mode with Two-phase Heating of Delivery Water

I.А. Konakhinа, А.M. Konakhin, O.P. Shinkevich,  А.I. Fasullinа. Thermodynamic Analysis of Condensate Gathering and Reusing System

А.V. Moshkarin, B.L. Shelygin, А.B. Melnikov, N.V. Bazeev. Shift 300 mW Power Unit with PK-41 Steam Boiler into High Efficient Power Unit

B.L. Shelygin, S.А. Pankov. DKVr-20-13 Steam Boiler Shift in Water-Heating Operation Mode

S.I.  Shuvalov, А.А. Mitushov. Prediction of Bends State by Using Residual Deformation

V.А. Gorbunov. Mathematical Model of Forge-and-stamping Production with Two-level Optimization of Power Consumptions

N.N. Yelin, V.E. Mizonov, P.V. Yakimychev. Identification of Mathematical Model Parameters of Heat and Mass Exchanging Processes in Open-type Heat Exchanger


V.D. Lebedev. Determination of grounding device parameters on the basis of integral equations of electric field in Matlab software envelope

А.N. Nazarychev, D.А. Andreev, I.N. Sulynenkov, D.L. Pankov, T.А. Zhulina. Reconstruction of 110 kV Open Distribution Devices on Basis of Application of Vacuum Circuit Breaker and Compact Modular Construction

А.L. Kulikov, А.А. Petrukhin, А.S. Svechnikov. Protecting Impulse Devices of Power Lines Fault Location

from Simulation Noise

V.G. Narovlyanskiy, V.V. Kurmak. Points of Minimum Voltage as Special Features of Weak Circuit Sections


Yu.B. Kazakov, Yu.I. Stragomsky, V.А. Filippov. Simulation and research of Electrotechnical System of Adjustable Separation of Non-Magnetic Materials with Using Nano-Dispersed Magnetic Liquids

V.V., Lokhnin, I.А. Berbirenkov. Traction Engines on Permanent Magnets in Electric Drive

А.G. Naumov, V.N. Latyshev. Application of Magnetic Microcapsules as Сutting Fluid while cutting of metal

V.А. Poletaev, V.V. Kiselev. Research of Tribological Characteristics of Metal-containing Additives to Oils used in Electric Machines

V.P. Zhukov, H. Otwinowski, А.N. Belyakov, D. Urbaniak. Modelling of Mechanical Processes in Jet Mill of Boiling Bed based on Boltzmann equation


А.P. Burkov, E.V. Krasilnikyants, А.А. Smirnov, N.V. Salakhutdinov. Research of Electric Drive Supply for Machine-tools with Numerical Program Control

G.L. Demidovа, S.Yu. Lovlin, M.Kh. Tsvetkovа. Synthesis of Follow-up Electric Drive of telescope’s azimuth axis with reference model in position contour


F.N. Yasinskiy, O. V. PotemkinА, S.G. Sidorov, А.V. Evseeva. Prognosticating Probability of Fire with Connectionist Algorithm   on Multiprocessor Computer

F.N. Yasinsky, A.S. Mochalov. Recognition of Large Number of Patterns with Using Neuronal Networks and Multiprocessor Systems

N.P. Badalyan. Developing Y-Z Calculated Hybrid Matrix with Complex Coefficients of transformers’ transformation

B.S. Zinoviev,  V.P. Krivokoleskо. Defining Holomorphic Function of Several Complex Variables


А.N. Seregkin. Information System of Electronic Procurement in Agricultural Consumer Cooperation

E.R. Panteleev, А.L. Arkhipov. Parameterization of Control Tasks as Tool for Increasing Tests Reliability in Systems of Computer Learning

G.L. Vinogradova, E.А. Demchinova. Classification of Material Resources of Multiproduct with Condition of Their Interchangeability


O.E. Ivanova. Innovative Potential of Power Grid Companies

А.V. Shekshuev. On issue of Financial Sustainability of Classification and Enterprise Potential

Kh.А. Abdukhmanov. The Usage of Labor Potential in Russian Economy: Retrospection and the Present Time

A.V. Ivanov. Structure and classification of non-tax incomes of local budgets


S.J. Lisova. Political functions of mass-media

А.P. Shumakova. Aphorism in french classes at a technical university

E.B. Staroverova. System of Checking Skill Foreign Spoken Contact (The English Language)

А.V.  Sivokon. Development of Small Cities in Russia: Problem of Mutual Understanding of Power and Society

S.S. Novikov. Ecological and Legal Aspects of Yugoslavia’s Bombings in 1999

А.V. Gusev. Aims of Local Anti-aircraft Defence in Cities, Liberated from German-fascist Invaders in Eliminating the Occupation Consequences

O.V. Kuligin, А.V. Ivanovа. Peculiarities of Teachers“ Lifestyle  in Technical University in Modern Social and Economic Conditions