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2016 issue 4

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Economics in power engineeringA.A. Gerkusov, V.M. MakarovTechnical and economic regulation of electricity losses in >110 kV overhead transmission lines Abstract
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Cite 4-16-str.49-56.pdf45
Economics in power engineeringA.M. Karyakin, A.S. Tarasova, V.U. OsintsevEvaluation of innovation component influence on economic efficiency of a nuclear power plant projectAbstract
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Cite 4-16-str.39-48.pdf46
Economics in power engineeringY.V. ChernyakhovskayaEvolution of methodological approaches to electricity cost assessment. Analysis of best foreign practices Abstract
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Cite 4-16-str.56-68.pdf43
Electrical power engineeringE.S. AndreenkovDevelopment of an error compensation device for voltage measuring transformersAbstract
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Cite 4-16-str.5-10.pdf38
Information technology in power engineeringI.D. Ratmanova, O.M. GurfovaPower consumption benchmarking in the public sector of regional economyAbstract
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Cite 4-16-str.30-38.pdf60
Mathematical modeling in power engineeringA.B. Kapranova, A.E. Lebedev, A.M. Meltser, S.V. NeklyudovStochastic model of cavitation bubble formation in control valve flow pathAbstract
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Cite 4-16-str.24-29.pdf48
Mathematical modeling in power engineeringA.V. Mitrofanov, V.E. Mizonov, A. Camelo, K. TannousA cell model of hydrodynamics in a reactor with circulating fluidized bedAbstract
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Cite 4-16-str.19-24.pdf30
Mechatronics and electromechanicsV.A. Martynov, A.N. Golubev, A.E. EvdakovMATLAB analysis of dynamic modes of three-phase three-core transformers Abstract
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Cite 4-16-str.11-18.pdf66