Русская версия English version

Remote work with a set of traction electrical equipment for mine dump truck

A.B. Vinogradov, K.K. Ermakov, A.A. Korotkov

Vestnik IGEU, 2023 issue 4, pp. 63—69

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Abstract in English: 

Background. The electromechanical transmission of a mine dump truck is an electrical equipment complex with a set of parameters for setting and status monitoring. To improve the quality and to reduce the time and cost of service maintenance of mine dump trucks, a data transmission system is organized that provides remote work with control system units. Such systems significantly increase the efficiency of operation of mine dump trucks with the integrated use of a standard approach to maintenance and repair of mining equipment and mobile technologies. They allow to identify most of the faults due to the use of a real-time parameter monitoring system during the routine operation of mine truck.

Materials and methods. The authors have used the methods of design and software architecture, methods of object-oriented programming and development of multi-threaded applications using the high-level programming language C/C++.

Results. The paper proposes a functional diagram of data transmission for remote operation with electrical equipment blocks. The description of the instrumental software for monitoring and configuring the parameters of the dump trucks electric transmission is given. A procedure for remote work with a set of traction electrical equipment has been developed.

Conclusions. The developed system has been tested at the stages of testing and adjustment. It is used in real operating conditions and allows organizing service maintenance of domestic-made dump trucks at a level that is not inferior to their best imported counterparts. The use of an integrated approach and the extended list of diagnostic parameters of the electric transmission when it is singled out as a separate element of the diagnostic system significantly improves the quality-of-service maintenance of traction electrical equipment.

References in English: 

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9. Sibirtsev, A.N., Vinogradov, A.B, Chistoserdov, V.L. Komplekt tyagovogo elektrooborudovaniya kar'ernogo samosvala gruzopod"emnost'yu 90 t. Rukovodstvo po ekspluatatsii [Electrical Traction Equipment Set for a Mining Dump Truck with Load Carrying Capacity 90 tons. Operation manual]. Available at: (acсess date 28.06.2022).

10. Ermakov, K.K., Gorelkin, R.O. Razrabotka programmnogo obespecheniya dlya udalennogo monitoringa i konfigurirovaniya sistemy upravleniya kar'ernogo samosvala [Software Development for Remote Monitoring and Configuration of the Mining Dump Truck Control System]. Materialy konferentsii «Tinchurinskie chteniya – 2022» v 3 t., t. 3, Kazan', 27–29 April 2022 g. [Development of software for remote monitoring and configuration of the mine dump truck control system]. Kazan', 2022, pp. 44–48. 605 p.

Key words in Russian: 
электромеханическая трансмиссия, удаленное конфигурирование, программирование контроллеров, удаленный мониторинг параметров, система управления карьерным самосвалом
Key words in English: 
electromechanical transmission, remote configuration, controller programming, remote monitoring of parameters, control system of dump truck
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