Русская версия English version

Combined model of heat and mass transfer in cooling towers

V.P. Zhukov, M.D. Fomichev, E.V. Barochkin, E.A. Shuina, S.I. Shuvalov

Vestnik IGEU, 2023 issue 5, pp. 90—96

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Abstract in English: 

Background. The priority directions of the scientific and technological policy of the Russian Federation include issues on research in the field of energy and resource saving technologies while generating heat and electric energy. One of the possible ways to implement it at thermal and nuclear power plants is to increase the efficiency of the operation of circulating cooling systems (COO). Modeling and optimization of circulating cooling systems with tower cooling towers is of particular relevance under modern conditions of a limited amount of low-mineralized water for charging circulating cooling systems.

Materials and methods. To determine the parameters of air flow in the tower cooling tower, a three-dimensional simulation model is developed. To describe heat and mass transfer, considering the phase transitions in coolants, a matrix model is used. The model is developed based on the mass and energy balance equations.

Results. A combined model of a circulating cooling system with cooling towers has been developed. It describes air flow within the framework of a three-dimensional simulation model and the process of heat and mass transfer, considering a possible phase transition in coolants within the framework of a matrix model. Comparison of modeling results and normative data is carried out. Adequate description of the real-life process using the combined model is presented.

Conclusions. The developed combined model allows setting and solving problems of choosing the optimal design and operating parameters of the COO equipment, as well as solving problems of diagnosing the state of the COO according to the readings of standard instruments. In the future, the proposed calculation method will allow optimizing the operating modes of combined water supply systems, which combine water cooling in a direct-flow scheme and water cooling in a reverse scheme with cooling towers.

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Key words in Russian: 
система оборотного охлаждения, башенная градирня, сеточная модель градирни, поле скоростей, тепломассообмен, многопоточный теплообменник
Key words in English: 
circulation cooling system, cooling tower, network model of cooling tower, velocity field, heat and mass transfer, multiflow heat exchanger
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