Русская версия English version

Comparative analysis of options for temperature control algorithms design in a chemical reactor

A.N. Labutin, A.A. Andreenkov, E.A. Shuina, Y.N. Ponomareva

Vestnik IGEU, 2024 issue 3, pp. 78—86

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Abstract in English: 

Background. In conditions of increased demand for the quality and efficiency of control systems for objects of various nature, for example, chemical reactors, it is advisable to apply the principle of state vector control, and not only the principle of output coordinate control. Application of modern methods of synthesis of control algorithms encounters difficulties associated with the multidimensionality and nonlinearity of objects, the parametric uncertainty of models and noncomplete measurability of the state vector.

Materials and methods. To synthesize the temperature control algorithms in a chemical reactor, the method of analytical design of aggregated regulators and the method of modal control based on a state controller have been used. The problem of noncomplete measurability of the state vector has been solved by decomposition, reduction of the object model.

Results. The authors have synthesized two nonlinear algorithms of temperature control using the method of the analytical design of aggregated regulators and two algorithms based on state controller using a reduced linearized object model. The properties of invariance, covariance, and robustness of the control system with various algorithms are investigated by modeling the control system using the initial nonlinear model of the object.

Conclusions. The best quality indicators of transient control processes are demonstrated by a nonlinear algorithm with an integral component synthesized by the method of analytical design of aggregated regulators.

References in English: 

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Key words in Russian: 
химический реактор, нелинейный многомерный объект, аналитическое конструирование агрегированных регуляторов, модальное управление, регулятор состояния
Key words in English: 
chemical reactor, nonlinear multidimensional object, analytical design of aggregated regulators, modal control, state controller
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