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Software development for digital interfaces of electromechanical position sensor

I.S. Polyuschenkov

Vestnik IGEU, 2024 issue 4, pp. 73—86

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Abstract in English: 

Background. For an electromechanical position sensor to be used in modern motion control systems, it must have technical means to transmit measurement results. It is also necessary to connect the sensor with equipment to configure and test it. In addition, the exchange of information between its elements that calculate, and generate and process signals may be required. To perform the listed functions of information interaction digital interfaces are designed. The choice of interface types depends on their purpose, and the algorithms of their use are implemented using software. The development of such digital interfaces for the controller of a sine-cosine rotary transformer in amplitude mode is an urgent task of modern motion control systems.

Materials and methods. When developing software for digital interfaces, methods of algorithmization of control and information transfer processes, methods of software development and debugging, as well as experimental research methods have been used.

Results. Information interaction between the controller of the electromechanical position sensor and the high-level controller as part of the motion control system and ensuring its operability is carried out using various digital interfaces. The I2C interface is used to communicate the sensor with the high-level controller, and the UART interface is used to communicate with the equipment for configuring and testing. The connection between the generator and signal processor chip and the microcontroller included in the sensor is carried out via the I2C interface. The authors have developed a microcontroller driver for connecting to the I2C network bus in Slave mode, as well as a software handler for the UART interface, which detects received messages of a given format and ensure safe operation in case of receiving corrupted messages. To store the configuration parameters of the sensor, one can access to flash memory of microcontroller.

Conclusions. As a result of the use of digital interfaces and algorithms of their implementation that carry out information interaction, the developed controller of electromechanical position sensor becomes a full-fledged element of motion control systems. The use of modern design tools and specialized function libraries based on high-level C language, helps to develop software that implements these algorithms for various interfaces.

References in English: 

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Key words in Russian: 
датчик положения, цифровой интерфейс, драйвер I2C Slave, шина I2C, интерфейс UART, библиотека функций HAL
Key words in English: 
position sensor, digital interface, I2C Slave driver, I2C bus, UART interface, HAL software library
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