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2015 issue 6

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Automated control systems in power engineeringD.V. Lavrentichev, Yu.S. TverskoyThe mathematical model of the NPP power unit primary circuit with reactor of PWR-1000 type and evaluation of her dynamic accuracy in variable modesAbstract
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Cite 6-15-str.47-58.pdf210
Automated control systems in power engineeringS.K. Lebedev, A.R. KolganovPosition regulators of positioning systems with Bessel’s dynamics for electromechatronic modulesAbstract
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Cite 6-15-str.41-47.pdf129
Economics in power engineeringS.V. Tararykin, I.D. Ratmanova, E.M. Golubitskiy, L.N. Bulatov, E.E. BulatovaExperience in organization of information and analytical support of Ivanovo State Power Engineering University management Abstract
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Cite 6-15-str.65-72.pdf33
Economics in power engineeringV.R. Okorokov, R.V. OkorokovElectricity and heat supply concept in cities across the country as a mechanism of improving their energy and environmental securityAbstract
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Cite 6-15-str.72-78.pdf34
Electrical power engineeringA.V. Mayorov, A.A. Chelaznov, I.V. IlyinykhExperimental study of transients under single-phase short circuits in the 20 kV networkAbstract
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Cite 6-15-str.23-29.pdf53
Electrical power engineeringV.K. Slyshalov, V.A. Shuin, A.V. Kuvanov, E.A. Vorobyova, G.A. FilatovaMethods of determining three-phase power cable inductances when calculating transients in 6–10 kv power systemsAbstract
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Cite 6-15-str.17-22.pdf80
Electrical power engineeringV.P. Golov, D.N. Kormilitsyn, A.A. Martirosyan, I.A. MoskvinOscillatory stability regions in an isolated two-station system under load capacity and power factor variationsAbstract
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Cite 6-15-str.29-34.pdf69
Heat power engineeringA.E. Zaryankin, A.N. Rogalev, E.Yu. Grigoryev, I.V. Garanin, M.T. Padashmoganlo, M.A. CherkasovCircumferential unevenness of flow in conical diffusers and method of its dampingAbstract
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Cite 6-15-str.9-16.pdf58
Heat power engineeringG.V. Leduhovsky, S.D. Gorshenin, V.N. Vinogradov, A.A. KorotkovMethod of predicting pH values of water produced by atmospheric deaeratorsAbstract
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Cite 6-15-str.5-9.pdf52
Information technology in power engineeringB.A. Staroverov, B.A. GnatyukDetermining of the most promising artificial neural networks and ways of their training to forecast electrical energy consumptionAbstract
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Cite 6-15-str.59-64.pdf58
Mechatronics and electromechanicsL.A. Neyman, V.Yu. NeymanMathematical model of a vibratory electromechanical system with spring linkagesAbstract
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Cite 6-15-str.35-40.pdf132