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2024 issue 5

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Electrical power engineeringV.R. Rafikov, I.E. Ivanov, A.Yu. MurzinAnalysis of the impact of synchronous generator parameter inaccuracies on the electric power system transient stability assessmentAbstract
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Cite 5-24-str.52-65.pdf39
Heat power engineeringA.B. Biryukov, A.N. Lebedev, K.D. KaminskyStudy of the characteristics of combined flue gas deep cooling devices on hot water boilers of housing and communal services systemAbstract
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Cite 5-24-str.31-41.pdf15
Heat power engineeringA.S. Zinovieva, G.V. Ledukhovskiy, E.V. Zinovieva, S.D. Gorshenin, A.A. BorisovDevelopment of method for calculating the components of thermal efficiency reserve of combined-cycle plantsAbstract
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Cite 5-24-str.5-13.pdf20
Heat power engineeringE.V. Zinovieva, G.V. Ledukhovskiy, S.I. ShuvalovTechnical and economic indicators of energy complex when using wind power plants to cover in-house needs of CHPsAbstract
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Cite 5-24-str.14-20.pdf16
Heat power engineeringG.R. Badretdinova, A.V. DmitrievHeat transfer during water movement in a pipe at temperatures close to boiling points in the transient modeAbstract
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Cite 5-24-str.42-51.pdf17
Heat power engineeringM.V. Kozlova, A.V. Bannikov, S.A. BannikovaStudy of operation of thermal desalination plant with contact evaporator and compression of vapor-air mixture Abstract
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Cite 5-24-str.21-30.pdf35
Mathematical modeling in power engineeringP.A. SechenovSelection of criteria to reduce the unknowns in Newton–Raphson method in the problem of finding an equilibrium composition of iron ore and fuelAbstract
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Cite 5-24-str.82-90.pdf12
Mathematical modeling in power engineeringV.P. Zhukov, D.S. Barakovskikh, A.N. Belyakov, I.D. Aksakovsky, I.Y. Tyutyukin Computational and experimental study and identification of matrix model of jet grinding of bulk materialsAbstract
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Cite 5-24-str.75-81.pdf37
Mechatronics and electromechanicsA.N. Nazarychev, M.A. Zakharov, A.S. Strakhov, E.M. Novoselov, D.A. Polkoshnikov, A.A. SkorobogatovOn the possibility of monitoring the condition of induction motors with a variable speed drive by spectral analysis methodAbstract
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Cite 5-24-str.66-74.pdf31